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Photo of Jeff Binder

PsyD Student Spotlight

Jeff Binder Hometown: Flushing, MI Program: PsyD Book I would recommend: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk Favorite Quote: “A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the

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Headshot of Dr. Michael Wallace

Faculty Spotlight: Michael Wallace, PsyD

We delighted to feature Michael Wallace, PsyD, LLP in our latest Faculty Spotlight. Dr. Wallace is on the Core Faculty and is teaching Humanistic Psychology & Psychotherapies in the PsyD program. Where did you grow up? I was born in

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Black History Month Graphic

Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month is observed every February to honor the achievements of the Black Community. Beyond learning about the historic struggles and successes of this community it’s also a time to celebrate Black culture through the exploration of art, music,

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Photo of Laura Lane

MSP Personnel Updates

At the end of January, the MSP staff saw some exciting changes with personnel updates in Student Services. Laura Lane, the Director of Administrative Operations, stepped down from her role in order to purse  opportunities beyond MSP. Laura had been

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Photo of Dana Erickson

Staff Spotlight: Dana Erickson

At the beginning of November, we were delighted to remotely welcome Dana Erickson as our new Communications Coordinator. We welcomed her again, this time in-person, in mid-January. Below, Dana offers insight into her role at MSP and a little about

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Extension of Online Classes

Dear Students: I’m writing with an update regarding the return to in-person classes. Dr. Brown announced on January 10th that all courses would be remote through the end of January.  We continue to monitor the spread of COVID -19, and the

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Student Spotlight

Kalee Headshot

MA with ABA Spotlight

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