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Category: President’s Perspective

Photo of Dr. Fran Brown, PsyD in front of green plants.

Welcome to a New Academic Year

Dear MSP Community, Welcome to a new academic year at the Michigan School of Psychology. For the first time in several months I’m writing to you from my office on campus; I’m delighted to be doing so. Even while the risk of COVID and its variants continue, I’m experiencing a

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Photo of Fran Brown, PsyD

President’s Perspective: End of Year Thank You

Dear MSP Community, Uncertainties prevailed entering and exiting the 2020-2021 academic year. And although it was often difficult, we made it – as we always do! I’m beyond proud of our MSP community, which has held steadfast through the ups and downs of circumstances beyond our control. At the height

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Photo of Dr. Fran Brown, PsyD in front of green plants.

The Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19: We’re not out of the woods

Dear MSP Community, I was recently asked to participate in a Farmington SAFE’s Community Conversation on COVID and Mental Health, along with several health care experts and public service officials. Given all the information already publicly available about maintaining mental health during the pandemic, I decided to focus on what

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Photo of Fran Brown, PsyD

President’s Perspective: What is Cultural Competency?

On Friday, May 7, MSP hosted its Second Annual Cultural Competency Conference, organized by our Student Engagement team, Psi Chi Honor Society chapter, and Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Alliance. I couldn’t be more proud. This conference provided a rich exposure to many relevant topics; each presenter is an expert immersed

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Justice for George Floyd

Dear MSP Community: Today was an important day in the fight against racism. But it’s only a first step. As I watched the media coverage of the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial, I was struck by the reactions of so many Black Americans, many of whom warned against celebrating

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Photo of Dr. Fran Brown, PsyD in front of green plants.

President’s Perspective: Beginning 3rd Semester

Dear MSP Community, I wanted to check in with you as we end the week following our semester break. The third semester culminates a year of hard work, and is often bittersweet for those who are in the final months of their time with us. I know you’re tired and,

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Photo of Fran Brown, PsyD

President’s Perspective: Walking into the Unknown

Today marks one year since we walked out of the MSP building and into the unknown. As I reflect on that day, I’m glad I didn’t know then what I know now. It would have been too much to take in; too overwhelming and potentially paralyzing. Instead we have adjusted

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Photo of Fran Brown, PsyD

President’s Perspective: Diversity & Inclusion Update

President Fran Brown wrote to the community with an update on what has been accomplished on diversity and inclusion at MSP during Fall semester. Dear Students, Faculty and Staff, As we wrap up the fall semester and the year 2020, I want to take a moment to share information on

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Photo of a paper bag turkey with feathers depicting the words "no hate" "Ella - being her boyfriend" "Family" "We love people" and "black lives matter"

President’s Perspective: Thanksgiving

This year my wife and I will spend Thanksgiving by ourselves. We’re making our traditional recipes, but the most important ingredients won’t be at our table. I’ll especially miss holding hands with my grandchildren during our little ritual of stating what we’re each thankful for. Their answers crack me up:

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Fran Brown headshot

President’s Perspective: And so we wait…

Dear MSP Community, Thursday morning and still no definitive answer in the Presidential Election. I could sit in front of the TV, working while mindlessly listening to endless analysis and projections. Instead, I’m making a pot of chili. Cooking is what I do when I need to boost my endorphins. The simple

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