It’s time for our annual Year in Review! As we look back on each month of the academic year, the MSP community can reflect on the changes and growth we have experienced since September, both individually and as a community. Here’s a look at highlights from September 2022.

Other Highlights from September:
MSP was delighted to welcome Reem Fakerddine (MA ’19) to the growing clinical training team as a clinical training coordinator.
In addition to the baseball game and ice cream truck, students were able to participate in a scavenger hunt, search for MSP mugs, test their trivia knowledge during brain games, and mingle with representatives from MSP’s student organizations as a part of welcome week.
We celebrated Constitution Day with handouts and cake in the atrium.
Nina Cary (MA ’18) return to campus on September 21st to present on couples therapy.
The Structural Racism Programming Committee invited students to learn about microaggressions during the Not That Funny experience on September 28th.
Blogs: Coordinator of Admissions and Student Engagement Kinsey Tekiele introduced the wellness wheel and how to prioritize social wellness in September, we celebrated faculty members taking on new leadership roles, we welcomed Reem Fakherddine to the staff (MA ’19), and Dr. Josephine Cervantes (PsyD ’21) and Dr. Lisa Wolf (MA ’90) were in the faculty spotlight.