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Category: Campus News

Alumni & Friends Gathering on August 25 at M-Brew in Ferndale.

September 2019

It’s time for our annual Year in Review! As we look back on each month of the academic year, the MSP community can reflect on the changes and growth we have experienced since September, both individually and as a community. Here’s a look at highlights from September 2019. We kicked

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Psychology Associates Zalapi Diane

Letter to MSP Community

On June 15, 2020, MSP Vice President Diane Zalapi wrote the following letter to the community. Dear MSP Community: I am sickened and outraged by the killing of Rayshard Brooks on Friday evening by an Atlanta police officer. I keep coming back to this not in disbelief because, as we

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Digital copy of "Examining Mental Health Utilization in Adults with Suicidal Ideation" research poster

MSP Spring Research

MSP faculty & student research teams were unable to present their work as planned this spring due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In May, Dustin Shepler, PhD, Core Faculty and research team lead, reached out to the community to offer an opportunity to share research that was intended for spring conference

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Community Conversations: Racism Pandemic

Over the last several weeks and months we have witnessed an onslaught of heinous racial incidents and a disproportionate number of cases/deaths related to COVID-19 in communities of color – all of which are occurring within the context of day-to-day racism in our country. On June 1, MSP President Fran Brown hosted

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rendering of the new clinic building

Michigan School Psychological Clinic Update: Now Accepting Referrals!

The Michigan School Psychological Clinic is open and accepting new referrals for clients who are uninsured, or who face unaffordable insurance deductibles and co-pays. Therapy fees run from $5 to $35 depending on client need; direct services are provided by masters and doctoral level student trainees under the supervision of Clinic

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Photo of Sierra Gillia

Student Scholarship Award Winners 2019/20

MSP is committed to contributing annually to assist in student scholarships and aid. Scholarship and financial assistance funding is supported by gifts from alumni, family, and friends. Generally, funds are disbursed in the form of tuition credit. This academic year we are delighted to announce the following recipients. The Cereta

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Carrie Pyeatt headshot

Career Services: 3 Steps to Get Involved!

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a great deal of uncertainty for our students, especially those who are planning to graduate in July. At Student Engagement, we are doing everything we can to continue to support students as they transition from grad students to early career psychologists. Career Services Month events

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Fran Brown headshot

From the President: Letter to MSP Students

Dear Students, I hope this email finds you well despite the challenges of this time. I know you’re working incredibly hard under challenging circumstances; your dedication and tenacity is impressive. This doesn’t surprise me given how far you’ve come in your life and education. I look forward to the day when this

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Library Support during COVID-19

One advantage to being a small community is that we can pivot quickly. Once MSP classes went virtual, our Academic Librarians began to research and source new ways for students to access what they need online.  Until recently, printing journal articles and checking out books from the shelf were still

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Student Spotlight

Jasmine Hobson Headshot

MA Spotlight

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