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Headshot of Terry Thomas

MA Spotlight

Terry Thomas Hometown: Westland, MI Program: MA Book I would recommend: Native Son by Richard Wright Favorite Quote: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” -Teddy Roosevelt What would people be surprised to know about you?  One thing people would be

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Headshots of Jayden and Jared the 2023 MSSE award recipients

2022/23 Marjorie Scott Scholarship For Excellence Winners

Each year at graduation, two students (one MA, one PsyD) are awarded the Marjorie Scott Scholarship for Excellence (MSSE) in recognition of excellence in academic achievement. Students are invited to apply during third semester, and the winners are announced during MSP’s annual

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Headshot of Jared Boot

2023 PsyD Graduates & Dissertation Titles

Congratulations to our 2023 PsyD graduates! Dissertations will soon be available on ProQuest for students, faculty, and staff. Jared Boot-Haury Understanding How Minority Stress, Gender Identity, and Resilience Predict Psychological Distress Among Asexual Transgender and Gender Non-Confirming Individuals Andrea Brent Emotion

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2022-2023 Year in Review

As the 2022-2023 academic year winds to a close it provides us a unique opportunity to reflect back on all that our community has done this year. This year marked the first year that all campus events were able to

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Two students looking at a research poster.

June 2023

It’s time for our annual Year in Review! As we look back on each month of the academic year, the MSP community can reflect on the changes and growth we have experienced since September, both individually and as a community.

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May 2023

It’s time for our annual Year in Review! As we look back on each month of the academic year, the MSP community can reflect on the changes and growth we have experienced since September, both individually and as a community.

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Student Spotlight

Arielle Self Headshot

PsyD Spotlight

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