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Category: Blog Posts

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month* is observed every November to honor the rich culture and traditions of  Native Americans. It’s also a time to celebrate Native culture through the exploration of art, music, food, and more. While the contributions, accomplishments, and culture of Native Americans should be acknowledged and celebrated all

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Photo of Cynthia Atkinson

Working with Veterans

Participation in military combat leaves veterans at a greater risk for mental illness and the uniqueness of military culture requires clinicians to take special considerations when serving this population. The MSP student body includes active-duty and military veterans. Our students and alumni also work with veterans in a variety of

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Photo of students, faculty, and staff at the 'Not That Funny' activity.

Structural Racism Programming

Structural racism is the embedding of discriminatory practices within societal institutions that result in privileging white people while perpetuating deeply ingrained inequities among historically marginalized groups. Throughout the 2022-2023 school year we will host events offering opportunities to learn about ways in which structural racism affects all of us. Whether

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Headshot of Ray Kaidbay

Cereta Perry Scholarship Recipients

The Cereta Perry Scholarship honors Cereta Perry, PhD, co-founder of MSP, and her contributions to both alumni and diversity. The scholarship was established in her name for the purpose of recruiting diverse students to MSP. It is awarded at the beginning of each school year to a promising incoming student in each program who

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Where Do I Begin? Part 2: Applying to Graduate School

It can be difficult to figure out where to start when graduate school applications open. You made the decision to pursue a graduate degree in clinical psychology, but now what? Applying to graduate school can be a lengthy, stressful process that requires a lot of thought and planning. Whether you

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Where Do I Begin? Part 1: Considering Graduate School

It can be difficult to figure out where to start when graduate school applications open. You made the decision to pursue a graduate degree in clinical psychology, but now what? Applying to graduate school can be a lengthy, stressful process that requires a lot of thought and planning. Whether you

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Familiar Faces in New Spaces: MSP Personnel Updates

As we begin the new academic year, we would like to welcome some to additions to MSP’s leadership. Dr. Danielle Balaghi was elected to serve as the PsyD Program Director. Dr. Balaghi joined our Core faculty in 2019 and previously served as the Interim PsyD Program Director. In this role,

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2022 Commencement

Previous Next Congratulations Class of 2022! On July 28th we were proud to celebrate the accomplishments of 91 graduates with their friends and families at The Hawk Community Center in Farmington Hills. Two students received their ABA certification, nine students received their MA with a concentration in ABA, 64 students

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Photo of Sid Berkowitz, PhD

Honoring Dr. Sid Berkowitz

A message from President Brown: The MSP Community is mourning the loss of our dear friend, Dr. Sid Berkowitz, who passed away on July 31, 2022 at age 97. His funeral arrangements are private. All who knew Sid loved him; he modeled what it means to be a humanistic psychologist

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Photo of Dr. Fran Brown, PsyD in front of green plants.

President’s Perspective: End of Year

Congratulations to our 2022 Graduates! American writer Bernard Edmonds once wrote, “To dream anything that you want to dream. That is the beauty of the mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That

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Student Spotlight

Headshot of Natalie Katz

MA Spotlight

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