Site Supervisor of the Semester: Tracie Webb, MA, LLP

The Site Supervisor of the Semester award is presented once a semester to a site supervisor who has gone above and beyond to support their supervisee’s growth as a clinician. The award is given to show MSP’s appreciation to all the site supervisors who contribute to the growth of our students, and it is a chance for the Clinical Training Department to show our site supervisors that we genuinely appreciate the work they do with MSP students.
Photo of Ashley Kierpaul, Tracie Webb, and Director of Clinical Training Dr. Dustin Shepler
Ashley Kierpaul, Tracie Webb, and Director of Clinical Training Dr. Dustin Shepler

The Site Supervisor of the Semester for Winter 2023 is Tracie Webb, MA, LLP from the Office of Behavioral Science-State of Michigan. She was nominated by Ashley Kierpaul (MA student) who shares her experience below.

Why do you believe that your site supervisor should be the Site Supervisor of the Semester?

The Office of Behavioral Science (OBS) provides clinical services to enlisted and civilian personnel who work for the Michigan State Police. This includes critical incident debriefings, recruit psychological assessments, individual therapy for members and their spouses, and psychoeducation.

Ms. Webb has included me in all parts of OBS. She has authorized me to teach psychoeducation classes to department members, provide individual therapy, conduct psychological assessments for incoming recruits, and assist with critical incident debriefings (after I received the certification for CISD).

Ms. Webb always provided guidance for each of these areas. Before I conducted assessments on my own, she had me observe multiple clinicians during their assessments. This allowed me to build a foundation for my own clinical skills. She also has never caused me to feel devalued or “just an intern.” I participate in meetings and my input is not only solicited but actually considered in regards to the operations of the section. I believe this inclusive environment has allowed me to grow more fully as a clinician.

Working for OBS ultimately results in clinicians experiencing a high level of secondary trauma. OBS provides critical incident debriefings for not only the Michigan State Police but other law enforcement agencies who request the services. OBS does not charge for its services. After nearly every one of my critical incident debriefings, Ms. Webb called me to ask how I processed the event. Typically, the debriefings end after business hours, causing her to use her personal time to check in on how I experienced the event.

How do you believe that your site supervisor made a positive impact on your practicum experience?

Ms. Webb has provided me with as many tools as she has at her disposal to develop me into a more competent clinician. She always responds to my calls and emails as soon as she is able, even if the issue is not urgent. She has provided me with personal experiences from her own time as a clinician that were invaluable to my learning.

Ms. Webb’s positive impact as a supervisor has gone beyond developing my clinical skills. Ms. Webb has empowered me to pursue unique ideas to impact the department as a whole. For example, I suggested cadets of the Michigan State Police should receive an OBS presentation that explains the stressors of a career in law enforcement and the OBS services they qualify for as employees. She allowed me to pursue this, and there is now an OBS portion of our cadet training. I had a client who was experiencing a high level of secondary trauma with the work in their unit. Ms. Webb reached out to that section’s director to coordinate psychoeducation for those members. Finally, Ms. Webb supported my work teaching psychoeducation classes to our explorers (the department’s youth program).

Ms. Webb’s support has allowed me to far exceed my expectations as a practicum student and realize my potential as a future clinician. I will always value the freedom, support, and empowerment of this practicum site. I am grateful I was able to have a positive lasting impact on the department during my time at OBS.

Provide a detailed example of why your site supervisor is a deserving candidate for this award.

Our office was asked to provide all of the critical incidents debriefs for the law enforcement first responders who responded to the active shooter incident at Michigan State University. This included Lansing Police Department, East Lansing Police Department, and Michigan State Police Department. The debriefs occurred for over twelve hours over three consecutive days. Ms. Webb allowed me to assist with the debriefings with the rest of the section. This was important to me because MSU is my alma mater. 

Throughout the entire event, Ms. Webb treated me as an equal member of the section. She took time to debrief my experiences with me when there was time throughout the event. She also provided me time with the four other clinicians present to learn from their respective styles as well. She handled and managed the entire event extremely well. The part of the incident that most demonstrates her care as a supervisor to me was how, despite all of her other commitments and responsibilities overseeing a critical incident debrief response of that size and nature, she set aside time to develop me professionally. She had so many tasks during that time that it would be understandable if she did not attend to my growth and well-being as well. However, she not only allowed me to assist with the debriefings for the event, but she also devoted the time to check on my well-being as a person. That is why Ms. Webb is a deserving candidate for this award.