Research is an important part of the foundation of everything we do at MSP as it allows us to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Many of our students and faculty members conduct their own independent or group research and there’s a variety of ways for them to share their work with our community.
MSP Annual Research Report
Each year, MSP releases a collection of all the work student, faculty, and staff have worked on. This includes publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and newsletter articles along with highlighting grants received, conference and community presentations, dissertations, and more. We are so proud all the scholarly work to come from the MSP community during 2020-2021 and want to give a huge thank you to Dr. Dustin Shepler and Erica Medina, Research Grad Assistant for putting the report together. You can find the 2020-2021 report along with previous ones here.
Cultural Competency Conference
Each spring MSP hosts our annual Cultural Competency Conference where we invite presenters to share their unique knowledge and perspective about different cultural communities. Students and faculty are invited to submit a proposal to present at the conference by January 15, 2022. To learn more about the conference and how to get involved on our website.
Psi Chi Research Symposium
MSP’s chapter of Psi Chi puts on a Mental Health Research Symposium every year specifically to highlight student research and. The conference is open to MSP students along with undergraduate and graduate students at other universities in region. Common topics for presentation are neuropsychology, health psychology, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, race, and psychological assessment. Check back later for information about the 2023 symposium.