The Psi Chi chapter at MSP is please to announce the Psi Chi Academic Conference Award Winners for 2018!
The purpose of the Psi Chi Academic Conference Award is to promote Psi Chi member scholarship and learning at professional conference. This year, Psi Chi awarded three travel grants:

Brian Burgoyne (MA), National Conference Award
Burgoyne, B., Spencer, H., Dagostino, J., & Bach, L. (2018, March). Personal Growth Through Therapeutic Writing, Poster presented at the Society for Humanistic Psychology, Boulder, CO.

Alicia Width (PsyD 3), Regional Conference Award
Shepler, D., Callan, P., Justice, M., Oliver, C., Width, A., & Rawat, A., Pollok, K. (2018, April). Sluggish Cognitive Tempo: Clinical and Research Implications from Clinical Data. Poster presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Shepler, D., Callan, P., Pollok, K., Rawat, A., Width, A., Oliver, C., & Justice, M. (2018, April). Interrater Reliability on the ASEBA: Implications for Diagnostic Assessment. Poster presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Jared Smendik (PsyD 2), Regional Conference Award
Shepler, D., Smendik, J., Cusick, K., & Tucker, D. (2018, April). LGB Adults in Relationships: Ego- and Partner-Focused Sexual Satisfaction. Poster presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.