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President’s Perspective: End of Year

Photo of Dr. Fran Brown, PsyD in front of green plants.Congratulations to our 2022 Graduates!

American writer Bernard Edmonds once wrote, “To dream anything that you want to dream. That is the beauty of the mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.”

Each of our graduates has dreamed, their will has been strong, and with great courage now stand at the peak of the mountain they worked so hard to climb.

Leaving campus and stepping into professional life may seem like a daunting prospect given what’s transpired in the world since our grads began their studies at MSP. As a community we’ve experienced a pandemic, war, tragedies, and societal changes of epic magnitude. Yet as we celebrate, it’s important to also see the light in this world. As Maya Angelou said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

Some of our graduates’ professional accomplishments may be on a grand scale as leaders in the field of clinical psychology. For others, daily, incremental change will be just as important. All will affect lives for the better, and instill hope in those who have lost their way.

I think of our grads as superstars, yet none of us are superheroes. The work will be challenging at times. There will be moments when it will tug at one’s very humanity. Even in times of darkness, we must keep our perspective and trust in the goodness that exists the world. We must take care of ourselves so that our contributions to healing may lead toward light and truth.

Our graduates came to MSP because they believe in and embody the humanistic tradition. They have invested a great deal to help others, and are well prepared for what lies ahead. In their own, unique ways they are making positive change in these challenging times. Graduates, may you have faith in yourself and your infinite potential for growth.

In community,

President Brown