It’s time for our annual Year in Review! As we look back on each month of the academic year, the MSP community can reflect on the changes and growth we have experienced since September, both individually and as a community. Here’s a look at highlights from June 2023.

Other highlights from June:
ABPsi, IDEA, and Psi Chi launched an Arab Support Group.
Paulina Drake (PsyD ’18) came to campus on June 13th to present on starting a private practice.
The final career programming event, a post-graduate certificate panel, took place on June 22nd.
Juanita Houston, (PsyD ’21) returned to campus to present her dissertation which examined the experience of Black single-mothers pursuing doctoral degrees on June 29th.
Blogs: We celebrated Pride Month, highlighted the CCC and Psi Chi Symposium, we learned about the history of Juneteenth, Student Services Graduate Assistant Ray Kaidbay (PsyD 1) shared her advice for finding scholarships, Director of Student Services Carrie Payett shared highlights from attending the career fair, and we congratulated Psi Chi for being a model chapter.