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Category: Campus News

Picture of wooden Micah 6 sign

January 2018

The Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Alliance (IDEA) partnered with Sanctum House, a local nonprofit that supports the victims of human trafficking to collect essential supplies for women in need. After just one week, our collection bin was overflowing!     MSP students and staff volunteered their time in honor of

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State Capitol Building

February 2018

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the MSP community, along with other educational institutions, SB 634 finally cleared the state legislature and was signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder on February 15 as Public Act 24. Public Act 24 ensures that TLLP license holders have a reasonable time period

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Photo of student with research poster

March 2018

MSP students and faculty attended the Society for Humanistic Psychology (APA Division 32) Annual Conference March 22-25. Division 32 is always a wonderful opportunity for the MSP community to network and share research with other Humanistic psychologists from around the country.     Student Engagement presented two interactive events designed

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April 2018

  Psi Chi hosted the Fourth Annual Mental Health Research Symposium on April 20. This annual celebration of student research included two poster sessions, a Keynote Address by Sara McClelland, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Women’s Studies and Psychology at the University of Michigan, based on Dr. McClelland’s own

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Group photo of psi chi inductees

May 2018

President Blau was pleased to announce that she, along with MSP, had been named for the Charlotte and Karl Buhler Award for 2019 from the Society for Humanistic Psychology, Division 32 of the American Psychological Association (APA). In her blog, President Blau wrote that receiving this award inspired her to research more

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June 2018

  Student Engagement hosted a variety of activities during Career Services Week (June 4-8), including an Alumni Panel, Resume Editing, and a Cover Letter Workshop. Our soon-to-be alumni had the opportunity to ask questions and prepare themselves for the job hunt after graduation.         The Inclusion, Diversity

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Phase One Begins!

Good Afternoon, I am delighted to share the first photograph of the future parking lot at our new site. Yesterday several large machines arrived to clear the land and begin developing the property. Completion of the parking lot and driveways is slated for fall and is the first phase of the

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Each Voice Is Important

Hello All: In the past few days many individuals and organizations have spoken out against the unbelievable separation of migrant children from their parents and caregivers at the US-Mexican border. Dr. Chavez-Korell wrote to all of us on Monday (see below) encouraging us to remain informed so that we can

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Message from President Blau: Presidential Selection

To the MSP Community: I am delighted to announce the selection of Frances Brown, PsyD as the next President of the Michigan School of Professional Psychology. Fran brings a wealth of resources to this position. Currently Fran is MSP’s Academic Program Director after having served for several years as our

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Research & Presentations: Second Semester 2018

Research scholarship is a growing part of the student experience at MSP.  We are proud of the many faculty and students, who, in addition to academic responsibilities, challenge themselves to complete and share research with the wider community.  The diverse clinical interests of our faculty and students create numerous opportunities

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Student Spotlight

Kalee Headshot

MA with ABA Spotlight

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