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Category: Blog Posts

Adam Duberstein

Student Perspective: Why Local Politics Matter

Deep into the election season that seems never-ending, we reached out to students to ask why voting is important to them. Adam Duberstein (PsyD 4) sent us the following blog on running for office and the importance of local politics. The views Adam shares are entirely his own, MSP does

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Vice Chair of MSP Board of Trustees, Tanya Martin PsyD

Message from MSP Board Chair, Dr. Tanya Martin

Dear MSP Community, As you’ve maneuvered through the 1st month of the 2020-2021 academic school year, you’ve done so in the midst of COVID-19, along with the ongoing ramifications of social injustices and racial inequality. I applaud you on successfully making it through. As you continue to prepare, show up,

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Photo of Andrew Kaleita

Staff Spotlight: Andrew Kaleita

We are delighted to introduce Andrew Kaleita in a new position at MSP – Writing Specialist. Prior to this new position, Mr. Kaleita co-taught  “Advanced Academic and Professional Writing” at MSP last fall. Below he shares a little bit more about himself. Give us a snapshot of your professional/academic background:

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Andre Johnson headshot

Andre Johnson: “How I Make It Work”

From students fresh out of undergrad to professionals who are retraining for a new career, the Michigan School of Psychology welcomes students wherever they are in life. “How I Make It Work”  highlights the diversity of student experiences as they balance classes, work, and life. Name: Andre Johnson Program: PsyD Describe

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Photo of Amanda Ming, MBA

Welcome to MSP: Quick Reference Guide for Students

Normally this time of year the staff of MSP would be introducing themselves to students at Orientation, presenting during class, or by stopping by to say hello in the Atrium. Incoming students get to know the staff often from taking an ID photo in the library or checking in on

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Carrie Pyeatt headshot

Make the First Step: How to Connect with Intention

As incoming students prepare for a virtual Fall semester at MSP, some may be wondering if they will still connect with their cohort in a meaningful way. In this week’s blog, Carrie Pyeatt, Coordinator of Admissions & Student Engagement, is encouraging everyone to make connection a priority and explains how

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Vice Chair of MSP Board of Trustees, Tanya Martin PsyD

Congratulations Letter from MSP Board of Trustees Chair

Dear Students, For the most part, I’ve been where you are – anxiously awaiting the end of the semester and eagerly looking forward to Graduation Day, the day that confirms all assignments are completed and you’ve met all requirements to obtain your degree. Also, like you, I’ve never lived through

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Photo of Avery Potvin

2019/2020 Marjorie Scott Scholarship for Excellence Winners!

Each year at graduation, two students (one MA, one PsyD) are awarded the Marjorie Scott Scholarship for Excellence (MSSE) in recognition of excellence in academic achievement. Students are invited to apply during third semester, and the winners are announced during MSP’s annual commencement ceremony. We are delighted to announce that Avery Potvin

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collage of words associated with MSP

Student Voices During COVID-19

Student Engagement began to survey MSP students on a weekly basis starting in mid-May about their experiences as students under quarantine. Each week, an email was sent out, data was collected, and the following week, the information was shared with all. “The responses really showed that MSP is truly a

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DeAndre Lipscomb, MA

MSP Board Member Reflection: Black Lives Matter

At MSP, we understand the importance of diverse perspectives to strengthen our community. We’re proud that our MSP Board of Trustees brings together diverse clinical psychologists, business administrators, and nonprofit leaders to lead our Institution’s ongoing growth and renewal. The following blog was written by Board Trustee DeAndre Lipscomb, who

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Student Spotlight

Headshot of Natalie Katz

MA Spotlight

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