President Blau wrote a post as an alum, to all alums – from Merrill Palmer Institute, the Center for Humanistic Studies, and MSP – to reflect on our shared legacy of learning in humanistic psychology. And, our shared responsibility for supporting the creation of our future.
She reiterated her commitment to the Diane Blau Matching Gift Challenge in support of our Foster the Future campus expansion campaign that will include The Michigan School Clinic to provide mental health care to people in need in our local community.

The Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Alliance (IDEA) “adopted” a family to support over the holiday season. Donations for gifts, cash, and household supplies were accepted November 20 until December 8, just before first semester classes ended.
Our donation bin was overflowing in no time – our generous community supplied many of the wishes for a local family in need.
Other News
Student Engagement hosted Finals Week Stress Relief (December 4-8) with freshly made pancakes and words of encouragement for our amazing students.
In Blogs
Dr. Martin offered her perspective on Stage Three (Enchantment) in the Career of a Psychologist series, Dr. King shared “On Winter Solstice” in her Seasonal Psychologist series, and we looked back at the many Highlights of Fall Semester.