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Category: Blog Posts

Honor Society Game Night

On November 5, 2014, MSP students, faculty, friends, and family came together for a night of fun at the MSP Honor Society Game Night. Attendees’ played a variety of games, including board games, charades, and role-playing activities. The aim of Game Night is to allow attendees the opportunity to interact

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Ryan Blackstock, PsyD

Qualitative Gaming

  One of the discussions I have with the students in the Masters Program each year is about the nature of quantitative and qualitative research. These are two very different ways of interpreting our experiences. The quantitative method relies on data, numbers, predictability and outcome. The qualitative models rely not

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The Good Therapist

How effective are therapists? The average therapist is twice as effective as antidepressants in the treatment of depression and is successful in about 70% of all cases no matter what the diagnosis. This is roughly equivalent to the success rate of most common medical treatments. Some therapists are better than

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Don’t Look Away; You Could Miss a lot in 9 Seconds

I went to an ER twice in a short span of time, during which I had three kind nurses stand with their mobile laptops and proceed to ask, “Are you safe in the place you are living?” This is the domestic violence screening question. I watched curiously as two inquired

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Dr. La-Toya Gaines

Breast Cancer and Social Media

In American society, where great value is attached to women’s breasts and their size, a woman with disfigured breasts, one breast instead of two or a woman with none at all, may feel ashamed of her body. For a woman whose self-concept and gender identity is influenced by her relationship

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Janette Ghedotte

Alumni Updates

Angela Celeste May (MA 1994) published a book in 2009 based on her thesis research called Freedom: What Is The Experience of Living Without Negative, Self-Imposed Limitations? This October she is conducting a five week series on “Five Steps to Freedom: Tools to Unlock Your Full Potential” at the Southfield

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Alumni Updates

Angela Celeste May (MA 1994) published a book in 2009 based on her thesis research called Freedom: What Is The Experience of Living Without Negative, Self-Imposed Limitations? This October she is conducting a five week series on “Five Steps to Freedom: Tools to Unlock Your Full Potential” at the Southfield

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Pegram, Maxine

2014-2015 Cereta Perry Scholarship Recipients

The Cereta Perry Scholarship (CPS) honors Cereta Perry, PhD, co-founder of CHS/MSP, and her contributions to both alumni and diversity. Dr. Perry was known for her relationships with students, many of which were sustained as they became alumni. Although she formally retired from CHS in 1998, she remained an advocate

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national coming out day

Coming Out in a Social Media World

In recognition of National Coming Out Day (NCOD) on Saturday, October 11, 2014, we are re-posting Dr. Dustin Shepler’s  blog from last year. National Coming Out Day (NCOD) commemorates the second March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights (for more history).  As October 11th (NCOD) approaches, I find myself

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Student Spotlight

Headshot of Aya Buckley

MA with ABA Spotlight

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