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Category: Blog Posts

Cynthia Ransley, MA, LLP

Now What?: “I need a break from our friendship.”

Now What? is a new blog series designed to address specific issues related to coping with life’s challenges. I recently had the experience of asking a close friend for a break.  Like a lot of relationships, this ending happened suddenly (via text in a grocery store), but really had been

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PsyD Grads & Dissertation Topics 2017

Congratulations to our 2017 PsyD graduates!  Dissertations will soon be available on ProQuest for students, faculty, and staff. Roxanne Christensen Transcending the Gates of Evin: Iranian Political Prisoners’ Experience of Survival     Nicole Czech The Woman’s Experience of Being Raised by a Dieting Mother     Amanda Sternitzky Gurny

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Paula Whitman

Outstanding Alumni Service Award: Paula Whitman, PsyD, LLP

The Outstanding Alumni Service Award was established to honor alumni who have made significant personal contributions in their local community through dedication and service to others.  This award recognizes alumni who promote and demonstrate the humanistic values that sit at the core of MSP training in clinical psychology.  This year’s

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Cynthia Ransley, MA, LLP

Now What?: “Your child is obese.”

Now What? is a new blog series designed to address specific issues related to coping with life’s challenges. Recently, two close friends separately confided in me that one of her children had been labeled “obese” by the family GP.  Both friends were worried, if not totally surprised by the news.

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Photo of Michelle Hodges-Pietryka

Student Experience: Transitioning from MA to PsyD

Many of the MA students at MSP decide to apply for our PsyD program after only a few months of the MSP student experience.  Here, one MA student reflects on her experience as she considers one program ending and another about to begin.   I recently went to dinner with

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Cynthia Ransley, MA, LLP

Job Hunting: Going Beyond the Search Engine

Everyone I keep in touch with from my MA (Class of 2015) at MSP found a job in psychology after graduation.  I say this to quell the anxiety of the soon to be Class of 2017 and to encourage anyone who is applying to MSP, or thinking of applying, that

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Photo from MPA conference in front of a research poster

Student Reflection: MPA Conference

MSP is committed to providing opportunities for our students to share their research with the wider academic and professional community through academic support and financial awards.  Interested students are encouraged to connect with faculty or staff to find out more. Attending the Midwestern Psychological Association’s (MPA) 2017 Conference was an illuminating experience

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Photo of Ozzie with his therapy dog bandana

Student Experience: How Ozzie Became A Therapy Dog

Since my miniature goldendoodle, Ozzie, was 4 months old, we regularly visited a nursing home near our house with the Pet-A-Pet Organization. Ozzie was just a little guy with a big presence at the nursing home. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, Ozzie squealed with excitement. I

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Cynthia Ransley, MA, LLP

Prepare to Pass: Your To-Do List for the EPPP

Even more than finding a job after graduation, I dreaded taking the EPPP.  Saying the name out loud felt like bad luck.  I put it off, and I put it off, until over a year had passed.  And still there it was. Where to begin?  The problem was that I

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Headshot of Natalie Katz

MA Spotlight

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