MSP is committed to contributing annually to assist in student scholarships and aid. Scholarship and financial assistance funding is supported by gifts from alumni, family, and friends. Generally, funds are disbursed in the form of tuition credit.
This academic year we are pleased to announce the following recipients. Courtney Cabell (MA ’21, PsyD 2) was awarded the Aombaye Ramsey Diversity Award. Siba Alzohaili (PsyD 1) was awarded the Jill Benton Humanistic Psychology Scholarship. Matt Nickel (current MA) and Avery Potvin (MA ’20, PsyD 2) were awarded the Sidney Berkowitz Scholarship for Clinical Excellence. The honorees have written acceptance statements for their scholarship awards.
Aombaye Ramsey Diversity Award (ARDA)
The ARDA was created in 2004 to honor former faculty member Dr. Aombaye Ramsey’s lifelong commitment to social justice. This award supports a PsyD student who shares that same commitment to advocate on behalf of diversity issues. Priority will be given to applicants who belong to an ethnic, racial, or cultural group traditionally underrepresented in the field of psychology.
Throughout most of my life, I have been on a journey of self-discovery. Some could say that I have always been trying to “find myself.” I have been faced with gut-wrenching adversity and have witnessed the atrocities that many others have experienced. These experiences have shaped who I am today and my understanding of my place in this world as a Black woman, a mother, an advocate for social justice and change, and a budding psychologist. As I have come to understand my positionality and continue to grow and develop into my full humanness, promoting and advancing diversity awareness has become a part of my being.

I am immensely grateful to have been selected to receive the Aombaye Ramsey Diversity Scholarship. As a Black woman, my race and culture is a large part of my identity, and this award represents my commitment to social justice and advocacy for issues in diversity. Additionally, it represents the importance and recognition of my work and career pursuit.
Earning my doctorate in clinical psychology is not the end-all-be-all. I was put in this field to make waves. In 2020, only 4.24% of psychologists in the United States identified as Black/African American (American Psychological Association, 2022). Only 15.53% of U.S. psychologists identified as minorities in 2020 (American Psychological Association, 2022). When I look at these numbers I am dismayed, because I know the weight of the damage that underrepresentation can inflict. Bearing this weight has led to my continuous pursuit of advancing and promoting diversity and awareness. I work towards these goals through my research which focuses on marginalized and minority populations, by using my positions in leadership to develop and organize programming and events aimed at diversity awareness and inclusion, and by seeking training opportunities which focus on the trauma and healing of minorities.
Receiving the Aombaye Ramsey Diversity Scholarship has made a tremendous impact on my academic and professional career, and has afforded me financial relief as I continue to pursue my education. I am most appreciative of this scholarship which has helped me continue my work in radical and transformative healing and growth through social justice and change, promoting diversity, and advocating for diversity.
Jill Benton Humanistic Psychology Scholarship (JBHPS)
This scholarship honors Jill Benton, former MSP librarian and alum, and her commitment to humanistic psychology. The JBHPS supports a PsyD student who is committed to advancing the science and practice of humanistic psychology as demonstrated by excellence in scholarship.

Sidney Berkowitz Scholarship for Clinical Excellence (SBSCE)
The SBSCE was established in Fall 2022 to honor Dr. Sidney Berkowitz, a beloved former faculty member who was an esteemed clinical and long-time supporter of MSP. This award is presented to master and doctoral students who demonstrate excellence in clinical work and show a commitment to clinical practice using humanistic value/principles.

“I feel gratitude to be a recipient of the Sidney Berkowitz Scholarship for Clinical Excellence. I am thankful for the empowering learning environment in the classroom, and the supportive and professional clinical training experience at the MSP Clinic. This award affirms the characteristics that brought me to study at the Michigan School of Psychology, especially the commitment to training scholar-practitioners rooted in the values of Humanistic Psychology. It is meaningful for me to know these values and principles of Humanistic Psychology are recognized in my growth as a clinician. The award is a significant encouragement as I work toward becoming a Limited-Licensed Psychologist to continue to embody Humanistic principles as a therapist. As one of the inaugural recipients of the award, I also want to express my gratitude to those who created this award, the contributors, donors, and especially to the Berkowitz family. Their willingness to empower developing clinicians continues a legacy of clinical excellence in Humanistic Psychology demonstrated by Dr. Berkowitz. I am proud to be part of this legacy.”
“I am deeply honored to be the first doctoral recipient of the Sidney Berkowitz Scholarship for Clinical Excellence. The SBSCE recognizes the profound impact of Dr. Sid Berkowitz, whose dedication and service to the field of psychology is fondly remembered by the MSP community. It is my hope that my future clinical experiences will afford me with opportunities to model the same humanistic principles that Dr. Berkowitz embodied.
My evolution as a clinician is made possible through the support of my academic and clinical supervisors as well as MSP’s faculty members. The Sidney Berkowitz Scholarship for Clinical Excellence is an honorable acknowledgment and I am grateful to receive this recognition.”