Faculty Spotlight: Jim Wood, PhD

Dr. Jim Wood is an serving as a Clinic Supervisor this year. 

Headshot of Dr. Wood

Where did you grow up?

I was raised in southeast Michigan but started life in Cincinnati; thus, my rooting interests include the Bengals, Reds, Tigers, & Lions.

What or who influenced you to study psychology?

I have always been interested in studying what makes people tick…so I studied psychology & sociology pretty much from the get-go.  While in college I had the opportunity to get to know a psychologist who was a friend of and did a radio show with my dad.  He took an interest in me and encouraged me to study psychology.

What are your research and/or clinical interests?

I am interested in the contextual, ecological, and systemic influences on behavior and so my early research efforts focused on those things.  I have also been interested in integrative approaches to psychotherapy.

What appeals to you most about teaching at MSP?

I appreciate the high academic and clinical practice standards of the school toward training clinicians.  There is much interest and practical care toward establishing and maintaining these important areas regarding professional development.

What’s your favorite non-academic book and why?

I enjoy the fantasy literature works of J.R.R. Tolkien & C.S. Lewis as, to me, they touch on key aspects of life: struggle, and redemptive fulfillment in striving to actualize core purpose & meaning.  Then again, I like most books by Dave Barry…just because life can get a little heavy at times, and one needs are able to cultivate laughter in helping to maintain perspective.

What advice would you like to share with incoming or current students?

I would share the advice my mother gave to me years ago just before I went off to college: “Dream your dream…make it a high dream…dream that dream to its fulfillment.”