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Category: Faculty Posts

Reflections from President Blau: On Leadership

Each month, our community as been lucky enough to receive a blog posting written by President Diane Blau that shared what was on her mind and in her heart regarding MSP and the field of clinical psychology.  This month marks the end of her tenure. President Blau has given so much

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Reflections from President Blau: Looking Forward

Each month we have been lucky enough to have Dr. Diane Blau, MSP President, share what’s on her mind and in her heart regarding The Michigan School and the field of professional psychology.  As her tenure as President draws to a close, Dr. Blau shares one of the things that

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The Seasonal Psychologist: Blessings of Midsummer

The Seasonal Psychologist is a year-long series by Pagan Psychologist Betz King.  Each piece corresponds to one of the 8 Pagan Sabbats, or holidays, while exploring ways to use the symbolism of the season for personal growth and in clinical practice. I conceptualize both my personal development, and that of

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Each Voice Is Important

Hello All: In the past few days many individuals and organizations have spoken out against the unbelievable separation of migrant children from their parents and caregivers at the US-Mexican border. Dr. Chavez-Korell wrote to all of us on Monday (see below) encouraging us to remain informed so that we can

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Margaret Sartori, PhD, LP

Part 2: Shifting Thoughts in Waking Life

Margaret Sartori, PhD, LP was intrigued by the flyer for a one-day seminar in August 2017 (presented by Gary Massey, PhD, LCSW-S, LPC-S, LMFT-S) about hallucinations, visions and intrusive images.  In the Part 1, Dr. Sartori discussed the mechanics of sleep and how to help clients cope with fear at

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President Diane Blau

Reflections from President Blau: The Gifts of Teaching

Each month Dr. Diane Blau, MSP President, shares what’s on her mind and in her heart regarding The Michigan School and the field of professional psychology.  As I reflect on my work over the years, I am aware that a colorful thread weaving through has been my love of teaching

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Photo of David Manchel

Faculty Spotlight: David Manchel, PsyD

David Manchel, PsyD (’10) joined the MSP faculty as an adjunct professor in January.  Dr. Manchel was kind enough to answer a few questions below. Where did you grow up? I grew up in Southfield, Michigan.  I’ve spent most of my life here in Michigan. What or who influenced you

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Photo of Debra Hamilton, PsyD

Faculty Spotlight: Debra Hamilton, PsyD

Debra Hamilton, PsyD (’17) joined MSP as an adjunct faculty member in January.  Dr. Hamilton was kind enough to answer a few questions for our Faculty Spotlight below: Where did you grow up? I’m a southerner at heart, even had the southern drawl, being born in Virginia, but I grew

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The Seasonal Psychologist: On Beltane

The Seasonal Psychologist is a year-long series by Pagan Psychologist Betz King.  Each piece corresponds to one of the 8 Pagan Sabbats, or holidays, while exploring ways to use the symbolism of the season for personal growth and in clinical practice. I conceptualize both my personal development, and that of

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Student Spotlight

Vincent Mangiapane headshot

PsyD Spotlight

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