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Category: Faculty Posts

Beth Rutkowski

Dialectics of DBT

Life is full of dialectics. Some can be very difficult to accept. In my practice, I utilize Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT was designed to treat Borderline Personality Disorder, a diagnosis that many clinicians view as both impossible and undesirable to treat. The key dialectic of DBT is “the need for a

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John Brennan, JD, LP

If I Could Only Remember….?

I recently revisited an article for The New Yorker written by Oliver Sacks, neurologist and author, entitled “Face-Blind.” Initially, the article explores a condition suffered by Dr. Sacks known as “prosopagnosia”; the inability to recognize faces and places. Dr. Sacks initially discusses the importance of facial recognition to the human

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Dr. Callan headshot

Controversies in Mental Health Diagnosis

Controversies in Mental Health Diagnosis: The Future and Beyond Or “You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows”* *(B. Dylan, 1965)  Current Status of Confusion                                                           Mental health providers are struggling with the changes in how to diagnosis a client’s psychopathology. The American Psychiatric Association introduced the

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Betz King, PsyD

Happy Whew-Year!

Now that it’s over, I am coming out of the Christmas closet and proclaiming that I am not a fan of the, euphemistically called, “holidays”. “Holiday” implies fun and relaxation, and I rarely experience either between Thanksgiving and Jan 2nd. I am consequently not only not “happy,” I am usually more tired and stressed

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Betz King, PsyD

The Season of Rituals

The season of rituals has begun, and will carry us into the new calendar year. From the Latin rītuālis, rite or ceremony, rituals have been present since the beginning of time and across all cultures as an integral part of religious, spiritual, political, social, and family life. Rituals help us

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Betz King, PsyD

Faculty Spotlight – Dr. Betz King

Dr. Betz King is the Program Coordinator of MSP’s master’s program and Core Faculty member.  She provides leadership for the MA program in the areas of curriculum development, practicum training and supervision, admission criteria and interviewing, and student retention.  As an MA program faculty member, she teaches courses related to

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Psychologists Writing for Film

Many movies function as “equipment for living,” a phrase coined by Skip Dine Young based on Kenneth Burke’s idea of literature as equipment for living. This phrase means that movies provide edification, inspiration, and thoughtful debate among viewers about important aspects of living. For example, Thelma and Louise is a

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Dustin Shepler, PhD

Faculty Spotlight – Dr. Dustin Shepler

Dr. Dustin Shepler joined the Michigan School of Professional Psychology as a Core Faculty member in 2012.  He teaches in both the MA and PsyD programs. For more on Dr. Shepler click here. Hometown: Bluffton, Ohio Favorite book (non-academic): Catcher in the Rye; Atlas Shrugged Favorite place to grade papers: My

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Ryan Blackstock, PsyD

Qualitative Gaming

  One of the discussions I have with the students in the Masters Program each year is about the nature of quantitative and qualitative research. These are two very different ways of interpreting our experiences. The quantitative method relies on data, numbers, predictability and outcome. The qualitative models rely not

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The Good Therapist

How effective are therapists? The average therapist is twice as effective as antidepressants in the treatment of depression and is successful in about 70% of all cases no matter what the diagnosis. This is roughly equivalent to the success rate of most common medical treatments. Some therapists are better than

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Student Spotlight

Vincent Mangiapane headshot

PsyD Spotlight

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