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Category: Campus News

Photo from MPA conference in front of a research poster

Research & Presentations

Academic scholarship is essential to the MSP community.  This year, we recognize the following contributions by our faculty and students during the 2016/17 Academic calendar: Publications (September 2016-May 2017): Dr. Ryan Blackstock (Core Faculty) authored the following article in the International Journal of Role-Playing. Blackstock, R. (2016). Origin stories: The phenomenological

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Research & Presentations

Academic scholarship is essential to the MSP community.  This year, we recognize the following contributions by our faculty and students during the 2016/17 Academic calendar: Publications (September 2016-May 2017): Dr. Ryan Blackstock (Core Faculty) authored the following article in the International Journal of Role-Playing. Blackstock, R. (2016). Origin stories: The phenomenological

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Photo of PsyD student Quaneece Calhou

Student Scholarship Award Winners 2016/17

MSP is committed to contributing annually to assist in student scholarships and aid. Scholarship and financial assistance funding is supported by gifts from alumni, family, and friends. Generally, funds are disbursed in the form of tuition credit. This academic year Jessica Dluzynksi (PsyD 4), was awarded the Jill Benton Humanistic

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Carrie Hauser headshot

Staff Spotlight: Carrie Hauser

MSP is pleased to welcome Carrie Hauser, our new Coordinator of Admissions & Student Engagement. Give us a snapshot of your professional/academic background: I started my career in Higher Education at Eastern Michigan University getting my Bachelors in Children’s Literature and Theater. I directly moved to Indiana State University to

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Photo of Diane Blau speaking at gala

Reflections from President Blau: Reunion and Celebration

Our monthly blog feature from MSP President, Dr. Diane Blau, discussing what’s on her mind and in her heart regarding MSP and the field of professional psychology. It was a beautiful fall Saturday in downtown Detroit.  Upon entering the Guardian Building, graduates from more than 35 years of the school’s

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Exterior of the original CHS building

Thoughts on APA Accreditation

A small constellation of students from various universities across the country came to the Merrill Palmer Institute (MPI) in 1970 for a year of study with Clark Moustakas and Cereta Perry in new program entitled “Enhancing Human Potentials”(EHP). The seeds planted in EHP have since evolved into The Michigan School

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Kate Caddy

Student scholarship recipients 2015/16

MSP is committed to contributing annually to assist in student scholarships and aid. Scholarship and financial assistance funding is supported by gifts from alumni, family, and friends. Generally, funds are disbursed in the form of tuition credit. This academic year Kat Lewitzke, fourth year PsyD student, was awarded the Jill

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Faculty Booksigning: Franklin Sollars

Franklin Sollars, PhD, is part of the MSP Adjunct Faculty and the author of “Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self,”a guidebook for a unique depth psychological approach to spiritual and emotional growth. MSP is pleased to host a book signing event on Saturday, May 21, from 2:00

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Jeff Cross

Staff Spotlight: Jeff Cross

Jeff Cross consulted for the Center for Humanistic Studies, now the Michigan School of Professional Psychology, in the capacity of systems support and technology for ten years before he was hired as the Information Systems Coordinator at MSP in 2006.  He assumed the role of Director of Information Technology &

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Photo of Kevin Keenan, PsyD teaching at board

Continuing Education at MSP

MSP is pleased to offer a wide variety of continuing education workshops to the local community.  We call upon our faculty to share their expertise on a particular topic in the field of psychology that will benefit new grads and experienced practitioners alike.  Ryan Blackstock, PsyD, LP, CAADC, ICAADC has

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Student Spotlight

Jasmine Hobson Headshot

MA Spotlight

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