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Category: Blog Posts

Research & Presentations

Members of the MSP community participate in scholarship activities. It is an integral element of professional development. The following scholarship activities are highlighted: Dr. Diane Blau (MSP President) and Dr. Lee Bach (Core Faculty) will be presenting “Exploration of Self and Other: New Paradigms in Heuristic Inquiry” at the 12th

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Tori Holmes

10 Things You Need To Know About Graduate School

As someone who has been through an extensive graduate program and is currently a higher education professional, here are my top 10 tips you should know if you are entering your first graduate program or continuing on to another graduate degree. Begin at the beginning. Admissions requirements and processes often

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Kip Thompson, PhD

Where Culture And Substance Abuse Intersect

I come from a family with a proud legacy of activism, education, and leadership. Unfortunately, like many families, part of that legacy also includes addiction. I was shielded from much of that as a child, but as an adolescent I knew something was awry with certain relatives. As a young

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President Diane Blau

Reflections From President Blau: Trust The Process

Our monthly blog feature from MSP President, Dr. Diane Blau, discussing what’s on her mind and in her heart regarding MSP and the field of professional psychology.   Our current graduate programs germinated from the seeds of a two-year course of study entitled “Enhancing Human Potential” (EHP) offered at the Merrill

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David Tucker

Reflection: Experience of Being A Division 32 Student Representative

MSP encourages students to attend professional conferences and training to build upon the knowledge and experience they acquire on campus.  Sharing these experiences with the community will hopefully inspire other students to take the initiative to pursue local or national opportunities for volunteering, networking, and professional advancement. As a Student

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Betz King, PsyD

Of Goddesses and Fools

Excerpted with author’s permission from previously published essay in About Place Journal[1].  This excerpt begins after Dr. King has completed her MA in Clinical Psychology at MSP (then called the Center for Humanistic Studies or CHS). A couple of years later, I was trying to find ways to combine my

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La-Toya Gaines, PsyD faculty

EPPP 101: Study Tips For Success

Ready? Set. Study!!! You’ve completed all of your course requirements.  You’ve completed and mailed your application for temporary licensure. If you’re lucky, you’ve already found employment and if you’re not so lucky, you’re looking at good prospects. As if your plate isn’t full enough, now you can prepare to jump

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Cynthia Ransley, MA, LLP

Acceptance Is The New Change

Moments of genuine self-awareness rarely emerge spontaneously from the void.  It is only through our interactions with others that we can ever see ourselves, however obscurely. This is one reason why therapy is so effective.   Over time, the opportunity for change is created as a therapist helps her client become

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Student Spotlight

Headshot of Aya Buckley

MA with ABA Spotlight

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