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Day: August 16, 2019

Headshot of Jared Boot

Student Experience: How Do I Start a Research Project?

Jared Boot-Haury (PsyD 1) became engaged in the MSP community from day one of the MA program. In addition to serving as Student Ambassador, joining IDEA, and speaking at the first Annual Cultural Competency Conference, all while completing his MA, Jared sought an active role in student research. Below, he

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Photo of Dr. Fran Brown, PsyD in front of green plants.

Welcome Incoming Students!

Dear Incoming Students, Welcome to the start of your academic program at the Michigan School of Psychology! Today begins a journey like no other. I know this first-hand because I’ve been in your shoes. And I can tell you with complete certainty that you will grow in ways you cannot

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Student Spotlight

Jasmine Hobson Headshot

MA Spotlight

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