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2019 PsyD Graduates & Dissertation Titles

Cynthia Atkinson headshot
Ciera Bies headshot
Christopher Bober headshot
Photo of Kate Cusick, PsyD
Brittany Linton headshot
Maureen McGlinn headshot
Maxine Pegram headshot
David Tucker headshot
Photo of Alicia Width, PsyD

Cynthia Atkinson

The Experience of Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy

Ciera Bies

Women’s Experience of Sexism

Christopher Bober

The Experience of Music Performance Anxiety for Popular Musicians

Kate Cusick

The Experience of the Four Concerns of Existence in Obese Individuals

Brittany Linton

New Mother’s Experience of Modern Motherhood


Jennifer MacQuarrie

Humor as a Mediating Factor for Post-traumatic Growth in Mental Health Professionals who have Faced Adverse Childhood Experience  

Maureen McGlinn

Apprehending Nature and the Responsibility to Care in a Time of Climate Change


Maxine Pegram

The Woman’s Experience of Authenticity While in a Leadership Position

David Tucker

Self-Discrepancy Theory: Assessing Eating Disorder Risk of College Athletes

Alicia Width

Sexual Fluidity in Men