Dropping or Withdrawing from a Course

Any student who wishes to drop or withdraw from a course must submit a Withdrawal/Drop Form obtained from the Director of Student Services/Registrar.

Dropping a Course

Any student may drop a course(s) within the refund period, as established in the academic calendar. A dropped course(s) will not be reflected on the academic record/transcript. The refund period is 100% tuition refund on or before the first day of the semester. After the first day of the semester, a drop will be refunded as follows:

  • 1st day of semester – 100%
  • Within 7 calendar days of semester start (2–7 days from start of semester) – 75%
  • Within 14 calendar days of semester start (8–14 days from start of semester) – 50%
  • After day 14 – 0% (move into withdrawal period)

At the end of the drop period (last day to receive a refund), a student may consider changes in enrollment by withdrawing from a course.

Withdrawing from a Course

Any student who wishes to withdraw from a course must submit a Withdrawal Form obtained from the Director of Student Services/Registrar. Students who withdraw will receive a mark of “W” if the request is submitted by the last date to withdraw as established in the academic calendar. Course withdrawal after that date will reflect the grade earned in the course.  A course withdrawal will affect academic standing and time to completion. Financial Aid recipients should consult with the Director of Financial Aid prior to requesting a withdrawal regarding ramifications to aid status. All attempted courses appear on the transcript. A mark of “W” is considered a deficient grade and the course must be repeated; a second attempt with a grade of “C” or less, including a mark of “W” will result in dismissal according to MSP’s Academic Standing Policy, as a course may only be repeated once.

Financial Aid Impact

Financial Aid recipients must consult with the Financial Aid Director prior to requesting a drop or withdrawal to determine ramifications. A change in enrollment (credit hours) may:

  • affect Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) which may jeopardize your eligibility for financial aid.
  • result in a return of financial aid funds – causing you to repay all or part of the financial aid disbursed to you for that term.
  • reduce your financial aid eligibility based on cost of attendance.
  • cause all of part of your financial aid to be reduced or canceled.


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