Reflections from President Blau: A Message From Nature

Our monthly blog feature from MSP President, Dr. Diane Blau, discussing what’s on her mind and in her heart regarding MSP and the field of professional psychology. President Diane Blau

In the past weeks I have noticed significant change in the trees around MSP. Lush green leaves reside where once
there was a profusion of blossoms. It seems as if the trees are getting ready for long stretches of sun, periodic rain and robust winds. Nature seems very wise, having prepared its trees with the resources necessary for optimal survival. And it has been fascinating to witness this evolving process.

Even as I observe this in nature, I realize that a similar process unfolds for each of us. Multi levels of change are most noticeable in infants with each passing milestone (initial bursts of buds on trees), observed easily in young children and adolescents (flourishing blossoms), yet seem to diminish as we advance into the long expanse of adulthood (prolonged periods of mature green leaves).

Just as the extraordinary root systems in the trees surrounding us engenders their progress, there is deep and ongoing growth happening within each of us. It is essential to realize that nature has given us amazing resources to manage “long stretches of sun, periodic rain and robust winds”. Yes, sometimes the sun burns, rain seems unending, and winds become tornadoes, but we have been given great resources to weather these storms.

Human being are ever evolving and transforming. Surely you are not the same as you were a year ago, or five years prior. Hopefully, your are an ever emerging, healthier version of yourself. If you doubt the potential, look to the trees and the wisdom that resides within them.