MSP’s vision is “healthy people, healthy relationships, and healthy communities.” One of the ways we work to embody this vision is through community engagement and partnerships. We are proud of all the work that our community has done this semester to give back to our community.

Out of Darkness Walk
Each fall Student Engagement creates an MSP team for the Metro Detroit Out of Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention, an event that raises money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The MSP community not only supports these efforts through joining the team and attending the walk, but also through donating to the cause.
ABPsi Student Circle Hat and Glove Drive
As a part of their Kwanzaa celebrations, specifically the celebration of the principle of Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), ABPsi SC ran a hat and glove drive to benefit Warm Detroit. Warm Detroit works to protect the homeless in our community from frostbite by providing hats and gloves, as the extremities such fingers and ears are more susceptible to the cold. Through their drive ABPsi SC was able to provide these important items, and a few coats to help keep our community warm.

Forgotten Harvest
Members of the MSP staff got together to volunteer at Forgotten Harvest, an organization rescues food that would otherwise go to waste and distributes it to organizations in Metro Detroit that are working to end hunger. In under three hours the MSP staff packed 540 boxes with canned salmon, vegetables, beans, rice, and nuts. That means meals for 540 families in our community.
Other events this semester included:
- ECO T-Shirt to Toys: In October ECO upcycled old t-shirts into dog toys that were donated to local rescues. This not only provided new toys to man’s best friend, but prevented these shirts from being thrown away.
- Psi Chi and IDEA Spice Drive: When individuals donate to food banks they often forget to include the spices that can turn simple items in delicious dishes. In November, IDEA and the MSP chapter of Psi Chi collected spices that were donated to Forgotten Harvest.
- MENAPC Commemoration Corner: A commemoration corner was established in the school’s atrium to honor the lives lost in the Middle East. The MSP community was encouraged to place teddy bears and other toys in the corner which were donated to children in need at the end of the semester.
- IDEA Adopt-a-Family: Each year IDEA collects donations from the entire MSP community to sponsor a family through Adopt-a-Family. Students, faculty, and staff purchased household items and clothing for a local family of five and contributed financially to their holiday celebrations.