Jess Clemons

Headshot photo of Jess Clemons

Hometown: West Bloomfield, MI

Program: MA

Book I would recommend: The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Favorite Quote: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do” – Steve Jobs

What would people be surprised to know about you? 

People would be surprised that I was a competitive dancer before college. I started dancing at age two and continued until I graduated high school. I am trained in ballet/pointe, tap, jazz, lyrical, modern, and hip-hop. I started competing around age seven and it made me love dance even more.

Name a cause you are passionate about.

I am passionate about advocating for equitable treatment for my population, especially in the mental health field. The Black population receives a lot of wrong diagnoses or doesn’t receive treatment at all due to the lack of knowledge of how symptoms may look in our community. I want to help be a part of breaking the stigma that my population has within the mental health field and be a part of my population receiving the help they need.

Why did you choose MSP?

I chose MSP because of its dedication to the field of psychology. I feel like this school is the perfect first step to reaching my dream occupation.

What do you want to do with your degree?

I want to eventually own a private practice that specializes in providing therapy and counseling for children/adolescents of all diverse populations, specializing in the African-American population.

How did you first get interested in the mental health profession?

I got interested in the mental health profession because of the lack of representation I often see in this field. Representation matters, especially in a field that deals with emotions, feelings, and self-worth. I had a friend who told me he wasn’t going to seek therapy because the therapist he was assigned couldn’t empathize with what he was going through on a personal level due to his therapist being of a different race. I want this to change, and I plan on being a part of that change.