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Category: Faculty Posts

A beautiful golden retreiver puppy face.

Children and Pet Loss: A Very Special Grief

Pets are our children’s companions, playmates, exercise motivators, and a means by which children learn responsibility and experience a source of comfort when no words are needed. The love of a pet is an initial foundation for the child’s experience of unconditional, unselfish love. Grieving the loss of a pet

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Emergence and Embodiment in the Spirit of Halloween

Despite how much labor goes into a dissertation, it seems rare that one gets to speak about it casually. With other clinicians there may be some mutual academic interest, or if nothing else, to know how someone else paid their dues to earn a doctorate. This has been my experience

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Couples Therapy: A Personal Journey

When I was asked to write an article about “marriage counseling” two things immediately came to mind. First of all, we are generally more inclined to refer to it as “couples therapy” these days, particularly in the world of clinical psychology and also in deference to the growing body of

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Dustin Shepler, PhD

Coming Out in a Social Media World

National Coming Out Day (NCOD) commemorates the second March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights (for more history).  As October 11th (NCOD) approaches, I find myself thinking about my own coming out process, as well as the thousands of people across the country who will celebrate NCOD.  I wonder

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Photo of the definition of addiction in a dictionary

Breaking Addiction

One of the problems with addiction is that it comes with its own built-in denial system. Every now and then, an addict/alcoholic will have a moment of clarity, a moment where the denial fades away for just a short time. These are usually based around events that are painful, or

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Dustin Shepler, PhD

Subfields of Psychology

With So Many Subfields of Psychology, Where Do I Fit? There are many subfields of psychology and, for prospective students; it can be difficult to determine which subfield is “the best fit.”  While researching the various available subfields and graduate programs in psychology, students are often confronted with contradictory information

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Bullying and Sexual Minorities

Not surprisingly, sexual minorities are at higher risk for mental health disorders. Gay youth ages 14-21 are significantly more likely to report depression and anxiety then their straight peers. Substance abuse within these groups is often double, triple or even quadruple the rates found in the heterosexual population. And in

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Dondi Browner

Mental Illness and Violence Today

In today’s court of public opinion we often find mental illness associated with acts of violence. Highly publicized mass killings, such as the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown Connecticut last year, often cause the public to associate mental illness with acts of violence. As mental health professionals

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Headshot of Aya Buckley

MA with ABA Spotlight

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