Campus Safety & Security

The 2024-2025 Annual Security Report is located below. This report provides statements of:

Each year, the Annual Security Report is prepared and disseminated by the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security. An email notification is sent to all enrolled students, faculty and staff providing the website link to access this report. Copies of this report may be obtained from the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Prospective employees and students may access this from the website or by request to the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security.

These policies are published as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and amendments as provided in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315). All statistics and policies/procedures are updated and distributed as required by the Act. 

Access to the Campus

MSP has a 24/7 locked door policy which means a keycard is required to gain access to either building. The school has contracted security guards on campus during operating hours. The guards are primarily located at the security desk located in Building A’s atrium but also patrol the grounds and Building B throughout the day. MSP personnel and/or security guards monitor visitor access to the building by verifying that they have an appointment first and then notifying appropriate staff or faculty. After operating hours, buildings are monitored by a security system and access is restricted to authorized personnel only. Only authorized personnel are issued building keys and/or given security codes for afterhours access.

Visitors, including children, are not permitted to attend classes or meetings at any time. Children may not be left unattended in the building at any time. 

Campus Safety

MSP security guards and personnel are entrusted with security functions on campus and will enforce MSP’s security policies. They have no arrest powers. In the event of an emergency, they are directed to coordinate with local law enforcement officials as necessary.

MSP does not have a campus police force. The school has an onsite security guard during all hours of operation. Employees or security personnel may request identification to determine if individuals have business with the school.  The Farmington Hills Police Department will be contacted in the event of any serious crime on campus and is immediately notified of any threat to the safety of individuals or the campus. MSP is private property; however, law enforcement personnel may enter the campus to conduct business as needed. The Farmington Hills Police Department is available to consult on issues of campus safety and security. 

Students, faculty or staff shall report any suspicious person entering the building, or on its grounds, immediately to the security guard, Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Exterior doors or fire exits may not be propped open. All exterior doors are locked; current employees and students are provided key card entry. The Director of Information Technology & Campus Security monitors exterior and parking lot lighting so that these areas are well lit during evening hours of operation. Security cameras monitor and record parking lot and exterior building activity.

In the event of a life-threatening situation or an actual crime, all students and personnel are instructed to call 911 for the local police and contact the staff as well. Any accident/incident on MSP’s property should be reported promptly to a security guard or employee who will direct any further action. All members of the MSP community are encouraged to report all crimes in a timely manner to the Farmington Hills Police Department at 248-871-2700 and notify the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations.

Reporting a Crime

If you believe that you have been the victim of a crime, report the situation immediately to the security guard on duty or an MSP employee, who will contact the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Other “campus security authorities” include the Director of Student Services/Registrar, the Vice President of Academic Programs, and Director of Human Resources. Security, staff or faculty will provide immediate assistance as required. Although the MSP employee or security guard will assist in contacting the local police regarding the incident, you as an individual may choose to file a police report. The security guard or employee will also take information for an internal Incident/Accident report for school records and follow-up.

In situations where warranted, MSP will investigate and pursue legal actions, possibly independent of the municipality of Farmington Hills. Students may choose to report crimes to the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Any student who has a Personal Protection Order against a third party must notify the school’s administration. At the request of an individual or the police, MSP will follow-up if action is required. Any pertinent information or assistance requested will be given to the police.

Sexual Assault Policy and Procedure

It is the policy of the Michigan School of Psychology to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the School’s education programs or activities.

To ensure compliance with federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the education program or activity, MSP has developed a Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy ( to provide a prompt, fair, and impartial resolution of allegations of protected characteristic discrimination, harassment or retaliation.

Prohibited conduct outlined in the Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy includes, but is not limited to, discrimination, sex-based harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.

Reports or complaints made under the Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy (Title IX) and inquiries about the policy and procedures may be made to the Coordinator, or in their absence, either Deputy Title IX Coordinator:

MSP’s Title IX Coordinator: 

Tami Jacobs, Vice President of Services & Operations

[email protected]

248.476.1122, ext. 122

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Amanda Ming, Director of Human Resources

[email protected]

248.476.1122, ext. 119

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Candi Wilson, Director of Communications & Educational Technology

[email protected]

248.476.1122, ext. 129

Campus Security Authorities

Tami Jacobs, Vice President of Services & Operations

Jeff Cross, Director of Information Technology & Campus Security

Carrie Pyeatt, Director of Student Services/Registrar

Amanda Ming, Director of Human Resources

Mike Tyler, Vice President of Academics

MSP does not have or provide on or off campus counseling services, however MSP has identified a need for resources and support for students who are victims of sexual violence/abuse. HAVEN provides a direct line of referral for services for MSP students and staff who are actively, or have previously, experiencing sexual violence through their 24/7 support line, in-person and telehealth counseling services, criminal court and Title IX advocacy, and forensic medical examinations. All services provided by HAVEN are offered at no charge. 

Sexual Assault and Rape Resources

Additional assistance may be found at the following sexual assault and rape prevention resources:

Avalon Healing

Equality Michigan

Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence

Rape is……


Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board,5885,7-339-71548_7261_75245—,00.html

Michigan Sexual Assault Crisis Line (855-VOICES4)

HAVEN in Oakland County

First Step in Wayne County (Servicing Western Wayne County)

Issuing Timely Warnings

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus that constitutes an immediate or continuing threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued. The Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations will authorize and direct a warning to be issued through the school e-mail system and via the emergency alert system to students, faculty and staff.

Depending on the particular circumstances of the threat, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, the administration may also post a notice on the website at providing additional notification. 

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning, such as a crime that has already occurred but represents an ongoing threat, should report the circumstances to the administration, specifically, the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security by phone at 248.476.1122, ext. 110, or to the Vice President of Services & Operations at 248.476.1122, ext. 122.

Due to MSP’s physical proximity to the Orchard Ridge Campus of Oakland Community College, MSP is required to report OCC information which may be found at

Emergency Situations

In the event of an emergency, call 911 and if possible notify an MSP employee or security guard. 

If the emergency warrants an evacuation of the facilities, students and personnel will be directed by the administration to do so. Such notification may be through the school’s paging system, by verbal directive, emergency notification system or through the fire alarm system. Individuals evacuated are directed to move away from the building(s). Procedures are tested annually.

Preparation of Disclosure of Crime Statistics

At MSP, the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security prepares this report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. 

Statistics on campus crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action include those reported to the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security, Vice President of Services & Operations, designated campus security authorities, and local law enforcement agencies, if provided.

Offense Type 2023 2022 2021

Criminal Offenses

Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter




Negligent Manslaughter




Sex Offenses, Forcible*




Sex Offenses, Non-forcible*








Aggravated Assault








Motor Vehicle Theft








Hate Crimes*** (any of the above mentioned offenses and any incidents of):

Simple Assault
Destruction/damage/vandalism of property

VAWA Offenses

Domestic Violence**




Dating Violence**








Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action

Arrests: Weapons, Carrying, Possessing, etc.




Disciplinary Referrals: Weapons, Carrying, Possessing



Arrests: Drug Abuse Violations




Disciplinary Referrals: Drug Abuse Violations




Arrests: Liquor Law Violations




Disciplinary Referrals: Liquor Law Violations



Unfounded Crimes****




*   Sexual Offenses Forcible include meeting the definition of Rape, Fondling. Sex Offenses Non- Forcible include Incest or Statutory Rape

**  Denotes reporting categories under the Clery Act, as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA)

*** Crimes that involve prejudice based on race, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin and/or disability.

****Unfounded crimes have been found to be false or baseless.

Sex Offender Registration Information

The Michigan State Police has established a web site as the agency’s official Internet source for Sex Offender Registration information. To obtain this information please refer to  The Michigan Public Offenders Registry.

Alcoholic Beverages, Cannabis and Drugs

Unlawful possession of or use or distribution of alcoholic beverages, cannabis, or narcotics or dangerous drugs is prohibited on campus or as part of any MSP-related activity, as outlined in the Drug and Alcohol Prevention policy.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

See section on Drug & Alcohol Prevention.

The public website for higher education consumers is located at:

Updated: September 2024


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