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Campus Safety & Security

The 2023-2024 Annual Security Report is located below. This report provides statements of:

Each year, the Annual Security Report is prepared and disseminated by the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security. An email notification is sent to all enrolled students, faculty and staff providing the website link to access this report. Copies of this report may be obtained from the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Prospective employees and students are notified of the location of this information and may access this from the website or by request to the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security.

These policies are published as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and amendments as provided in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315). All statistics and policies/procedures are updated and distributed as required by the Act. 

Approach to Safety

MSP is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Members of the campus community share in the responsibility for the safety and security of themselves, their neighbors and their belongings. The importance of campus safety is reviewed annually at orientation with students and employees.

Informing Students and Personnel of Safety and Security Measures

At the beginning of each academic year, students and personnel are informed of the need for awareness of campus security measures and the need to notify school personnel of any suspicious or criminal activity. Students are informed of current crime statistics and informed that they will be notified should any event occur that constitutes an emergency or the need for a “timely warning.” In accordance with the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), MSP annually offers training to educate students and employees on sexual violence awareness and prevention. MSP does not offer ongoing crime prevention programs or seminars.

Access to the Campus

MSP has a 24/7 locked door policy which means a keycard is required to gain access to either building. The school has contracted security guards on campus during operating hours. The guards are primarily located at the security desk located in Building A’s atrium but also patrol the grounds and Building B throughout the day. MSP personnel and/or security guards monitor visitor access to the building by verifying that they have an appointment first and then notifying appropriate staff or faculty. After operating hours, buildings are monitored by a security system and access is restricted to authorized personnel only. Only authorized personnel are issued building keys and/or given security codes for afterhours access.

Visitors, including children, are not permitted to attend classes or meetings at any time. Children may not be left unattended in the building at any time. 

Campus Safety

MSP security guards and personnel are entrusted with security functions on campus and will enforce MSP’s security policies. They have no arrest powers. In the event of an emergency, they are directed to coordinate with local law enforcement officials as necessary.

MSP does not have a campus police force. The school has an onsite security guard during all hours of operation. Employees or security personnel may request identification to determine if individuals have business with the school.  The Farmington Hills Police Department will be contacted in the event of any serious crime on campus and is immediately notified of any threat to the safety of individuals or the campus. MSP is private property; however, law enforcement personnel may enter the campus to conduct business as needed. The Farmington Hills Police Department is available to consult on issues of campus safety and security. 

Students, faculty or staff shall report any suspicious person entering the building, or on its grounds, immediately to the security guard, Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Exterior doors or fire exits may not be propped open. All exterior doors are locked; current employees and students are provided key card entry. The Director of Information Technology & Campus Security monitors exterior and parking lot lighting so that these areas are well lit during evening hours of operation. Security cameras monitor and record parking lot and exterior building activity.

In the event of a life-threatening situation or an actual crime, all students and personnel are instructed to call 911 for the local police and contact the staff as well. Any accident/incident on MSP’s property should be reported promptly to a security guard or employee who will direct any further action. All members of the MSP community are encouraged to report all crimes in a timely manner to the Farmington Hills Police Department at 248-871-2700 and notify the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations.

Reporting a Crime

If you believe that you have been the victim of a crime, report the situation immediately to the security guard on duty or an MSP employee, who will contact the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Other “campus security authorities” include the Director of Student Services/Registrar, the Vice President of Academic Programs, and Director of Human Resources. Security, staff or faculty will provide immediate assistance as required. Although the MSP employee or security guard will assist in contacting the local police regarding the incident, you as an individual will be required to file the police report. The security guard or employee will also take information for an internal Incident/Accident report for school records and follow-up.

In situations where warranted, MSP will investigate and pursue legal actions, possibly independent of the municipality of Farmington Hills. Students may choose to report crimes confidentially to the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations. Any student who has a Personal Protection Order against a third party must notify the school’s administration. At the request of an individual or the police, MSP will follow-up if action is required. Any pertinent information or assistance requested will be given to the police. Changes in internal procedures may be made if any additional security efforts are warranted.

Sexual Assault Policy and Procedure

MSP can offer referrals to educational and prevention programs for students who may or may not have been victims of sexual violence which includes domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault.

Domestic violence is a pattern of threatening or violent behaviors combined with other kinds of abuse. This pattern of behavior is used to control another person. The abuser might be married to the person they are abusing, or might live with or be dating the person they are abusing. The abuser might be abusing their ex-spouse or someone they used to live with or date [1].

Domestic violence can include physical assaults, threats, stalking, sexual abuse, and verbal, emotional, or financial abuse. You do not have to be physically injured to be harmed by domestic violence.

The term “dating violence” means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: The length of the relationship; the type of relationship; and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship[1].

Stalking is defined as “…a ‘willful course of conduct’ involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.” [Michigan Penal Code] (www.michigan.gov/domesticviolence)[2]

Sexual assault is forcing or coercing an individual to engage in any non-consensual sexual contact or sexual penetration. In Michigan, the law regarding sexual assault is called the Criminal Sexual Conduct Act. It is gender neutral and includes marital, stranger, date, acquaintance and child sexual assault[3]. (Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board) In the state of Michigan, consent is not specifically defined.

If you are a victim of sexual violence at this institution, your first priority is to get to a place of safety and to obtain necessary medical treatment. A victim of sexual violence has several options, including 1) the option to decline notifying law enforcement authorities, 2) reporting the incident, and 3) requesting that MSP provide assistance in contacting law enforcement and filing a report. If you choose to report the incident, doing so in a timely manner is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. An assault should be reported directly to the Farmington Hills Police Department by calling 911 or 248-871-2700.

  • All sexual assault cases reported will be fully investigated by the school administration with the assistance of the local police department.
  • All cases reported to MSP will be taken seriously without discrimination of age, sex, gender, race, ethnicity or national origin of either the victim or suspect(s).
  • Designated MSP personnel will meet with you privately to file your initial reports at a location mutually agreed upon.
  • MSP will assist you in privately contacting counseling and support services within the community.
  • MSP will not release your name to the public, press, or any other media organization.
  • MSP will not release your name or personal identifying information in public recordkeeping, Clery Act Reporting, or annual security reporting.
  • MSP will assist you or answer any questions or explain the processes of reporting and investigation.
  • MSP will, upon request and if reasonably available, review a victim’s academic situation after an allegation of sexual violence for requested schedule adjustments, regardless of whether the victim has reported the crime to law enforcement. MSP will apprise them of all student rights under the Code of Student Conduct.

In a Personal Protection Order (PPO), the court orders an individual to stop threats or violence against you. According to the court rules, the proceeding to obtain an order is called a “personal protection action.” Any student who has a Personal Protection Order against a third party must notify the school administration.

MSP students who are accused of committing sexual assault are subject to MSP’s Code of Student Conduct and Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy. See Sexual Violence/VAWA Section.

MSP’s Title IX Coordinator:

Rebecca Veidlinger

Campus Security Authorities:

Jeff Cross, Director of Information Technology & Campus Security

Carrie Pyeatt, Director of Student Services/Registrar

Amanda Ming, Director of Human Resources

Mike Tyler, Vice President of Academics

Vice President of Services & Operations

MSP does not have or provide on or off campus counseling services, however MSP has identified a need for resources and support for students who are victims of sexual violence/abuse. HAVEN provides a direct line of referral for services for MSP students and staff who are actively, or have previously, experiencing sexual violence through their 24/7 support line, in-person and telehealth counseling services, criminal court and Title IX advocacy, and forensic medical examinations. All services provided by HAVEN are offered at no charge.

Additional assistance may be found at the following sexual assault and rape prevention resources:

Avalon Healing Center

Equality Michigan

Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence

Rape is….

[1] MCL 400.1501; justice.gov/ovw/dating-violence

[2] MCL 750.411h

[3] MCL 750.520(a)-(e)

Issuing Timely Warnings

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the administration, constitutes an immediate or continuing threat, a campus wide “timely warning” will be issued. The Director of Information Technology & Campus Security or the Vice President of Services & Operations will authorize and direct a warning to be issued through the school e-mail system and via the emergency alert system to students, faculty and staff.

Depending on the particular circumstances of the threat, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and individuals, the administration may also post a notice on the website at msp.edu providing additional notification. 

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning, such as a crime that has already occurred but represents an ongoing threat, should report the circumstances to the administration, specifically, the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security by phone at 248.476.1122, ext. 110, or in his absence the Vice President of Services & Operations or President.

Due to MSP’s physical proximity to the Orchard Ridge Campus of Oakland Community College, MSP is required to report OCC information which may be found at https://www.oaklandcc.edu/publicsafety/CrimeStatistics/CrimeStatistics

Emergency Situations

In the event of an emergency, notify an MSP employee or security guard and call 911. 

If the emergency warrants an evacuation of the facilities, students and personnel will be directed by the administration to do so. Such notification may be through the school’s paging system, by verbal directive, or through the fire alarm system.  Individuals evacuated are directed to move away from the building(s). Procedures are tested annually.

Preparation of Disclosure of Crime Statistics

At MSP, the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security prepares this report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act.  The full report is located on the school web site at msp.edu/crime under Consumer Information from the home page.

Statistics on campus crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action include those reported to the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security, Vice President of Services & Operations, designated campus security authorities, and local law enforcement agencies, if provided.

MSP will disclose, simultaneously and in writing to both the accused and accuser, the results of any disciplinary hearing conducted by the school against the student who is the alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or sexual violence to include procedures for appeal of the result of an institutional disciplinary hearing. 

Main Campus

Offense Type 2022 2021 2020

Criminal Offenses

Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter




Negligent Manslaughter




Sex Offenses, Forcible*




Sex Offenses, Non-forcible*








Aggravated Assault








Motor Vehicle Theft








VAWA Offenses

Domestic Violence**




Dating Violence**









Arrests: Weapons, Carrying, Possessing, etc.




Disciplinary Referrals: Weapons, Carrying, Possessing




Arrests: Drug Abuse Violations




Disciplinary Referrals: Drug Abuse Violations




Arrests: Liquor Law Violations




Disciplinary Referrals: Liquor Law Violations




Hate Crimes***




Unfounded Crimes****


*   Sexual Offenses Forcible include meeting the definition of Rape, Fondling. Sex Offenses Non- Forcible include Incest or Statutory Rape

**  Denotes reporting categories under the Clery Act, as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA)

*** Crimes that involve prejudice based on race, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin and/or disability.

****Unfounded crimes have been found to be false or baseless.

Sex Offender Registration Information

The Michigan State Police has established a web site as the agency’s official Internet source for Sex Offender Registration information. To obtain this information please refer to  The Michigan Public Offenders Registry.

Alcoholic Beverages, Cannabis and Drugs

Unlawful possession of or use or distribution of alcoholic beverages, cannabis, or narcotics or dangerous drugs is prohibited on campus or as part of any MSP-related activity, as outlined in the Drug and Alcohol Prevention policy.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

The school recognizes that substance abuse and chemical dependency are a growing problem in this country. The Drug-Free School and Campus Act (DFSCA) requires MSP to adopt and implement a drug prevention program to prevent the use, distribution, unlawful possession, or sale of illicit drugs and alcohol.

Medical research has documented the debilitating and often deadly consequences of regular or episodic use of mood-altering chemicals. Due to factors such as body mass, endocrine function, metabolic biochemistry, genetic history, and overall health, it is not possible to predict who will be susceptible to health risks and what the consequences may be. However, it is known that over time substance abuse and chemical dependency have measurable, deleterious effects on various organs of the body and on physiological and intellectual functioning. Users often feel they are performing at their best when, in fact, actual performance is poor. Memory is also harmfully affected. Emotional problems and mood swings also may result. The risks are known to be greater when there are accompanying or pre-existing organic conditions. Severe insult to the fetus of a pregnant woman who ingests or inhales mind-altering drugs is also a threat.

A description of the applicable legal sanctions for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs, alcohol, and cannabis and the health risks associated is available on the MSP website under the About MSP tab, Consumer Information.  The Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program, consistent with the MSP Code of Student Conduct, prohibits the following behaviors.

  1. Alcohol abuse and related behavior, including:
    1. Possession, and/use or sale of alcohol onsite or at school-sponsored activities;
    2. intoxication made manifest by boisterousness, rowdiness, lewd, obscene, or indecent appearance, conduct or expression;
    3. language which is profane, lewd, or in general unbecoming a graduate student or MSP employee.
  1. Drug abuse and related behavior, including:
    1. possession and/or use or sale of cannabis onsite or at school-sponsored activities;
    2. use or possession of drugs without valid medical prescriptions; or manufacture, sale, or distribution of any controlled substance or mood altering chemical;
    3. altered behavior made manifest through rowdiness, obscene or disorderly conduct, indecent appearance, conduct, expression, or otherwise impaired functioning;
    4. language which is profane, lewd, or in general unbecoming of a graduate student or employee.

Altered behavior that indicates impairment will be addressed immediately and action will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the individual(s) involved, i.e. notification of emergency contact for transportation home.

Violations of this policy will be referred to the Vice President of Academics (student conduct) or the Director of Human Resources (employee conduct) for review, investigation, and adjudication.

Violations of this policy will result in one or more of the following sanctions:

  1. Referral for American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) assessment, by an approved provider, to determine standards for level of intervention. Guidelines for ongoing enrollment or return to an MSP program will be contingent upon compliance with recommended standards of care.
  2. Written reprimand
  3. Probation
  4. Suspension
  5. Dismissal
  6. Filing of a report of violations to city, state, or federal authorities, where appropriate, for prosecution and legal action.

Note:  Per the Higher Education Act, Sec 484, 485, 488 a conviction of any offense for possession/sale of illegal drugs will result in loss of eligibility for any Title IV loan aid.

Sexual Violence

As an extension of MSP’s policy prohibiting Sexual Harassment/Misconduct (see Academic Catalog), the institution prohibits and will take prompt and effective action in response to any allegation of sexual violence to include sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking as they are defined under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and for purposes of the Clery Act.  This policy applies to all students and school employees.  In the event of any act of sexual violence, the individual, or witness, has the right and is encouraged to file a criminal complaint. The individual has the right to decline to report to law enforcement. Any criminal complaint will not impede MSP’s investigation of and response to the complaint of sexual violence. A complaint may be filed with a Campus Security Authority (the Vice President of Academics, Vice President of Services & Operations, the Director of Student Services/Registrar, the Director of Information Technology & Campus Security, the Director of Human Resources) or the Title IX Coordinator. Procedures for reporting Sexual Misconduct are available on the MSP website. In the event of a need for immediate assistance or response to a sexual assault, school personnel will coordinate the response with local law enforcement.

In the event of an incident:

  • Following any reported incident, a formal investigation will begin in a timely manner and will be conducted by the Title IX Coordinator.
  • All claims will be treated seriously and information and facts will be communicated only on a “need to know” basis.
  • Witnesses and all individuals interviewed will be instructed to maintain discussions in the strictest confidence. The number of persons who have access to the information will be limited.
  • During the investigation, both parties will have an opportunity to have others present including an advisor of choice with advance notice to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • The preponderance-of-the-evidence standard (more likely than not) will be used in the investigation.
  • Regardless of criminal complaint, in the event of a complaint/report filed by a student against a member of the MSP community (fellow students or employee), where practicable, accommodations will be provided pending the final outcomes of the investigations, which may include the ability to change class, clinical training sites, or work schedules, withdraw from or retake a course without penalty.
  • Each allegation will be treated as a separate incident.
  • After completion of the investigation, the Title IX Coordinator will provide written notification of the outcome of the complaint and any appeal, to both parties at the same time.
  • If it is determined that a faculty, staff, supervisor or administrator has engaged in sexual violence or misconduct, immediate and appropriate action will be taken, to include written warnings, suspension with or without pay, or termination of employment.
  • If it is determined that a student has engaged in sexual violence or misconduct of any kind, immediate and appropriate action will be taken. Sexual misconduct is considered non-academic misconduct under the Code of Student Conduct, and sanctions may include a written warning, probation, suspension or dismissal.
  • The process for appeal is outlined in the Academic Catalog under the Student Grievance/Appeal Procedure. This procedure will be included in the written notification of investigation outcome and sanctions.
  • Retaliation against the complainant or anyone involved is prohibited. If it occurs, further disciplinary action will be taken.
  • As required under the Clery Act any incident of sexual violence will be reflected in the annual safety and security report.
  • Any student who has a Personal Protection Order against a third party must notify the school administration – please see Reporting a Crime.

Annually, sexual violence awareness and prevention programming is offered to all students and employees.

Sexual Assault and Rape Prevention Resources



Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board


Michigan Sexual Assault Crisis Line



HAVEN in Oakland County


First Step in Wayne County (Servicing Western Wayne County)


Avalon Healing


Rape is……


Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence


The public website for higher education consumers is located at:


Updated: September 2023


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