Drug and Alcohol Prevention

The school recognizes that substance abuse and chemical dependency are a growing problem in this country. The Drug-Free School and Campus Act (DFSCA) requires MSP to adopt and implement a drug prevention program to prevent the use, distribution, unlawful possession, or sale of illicit drugs and alcohol.

Medical research has documented the debilitating and often deadly consequences of regular or episodic use of mood-altering chemicals. Due to factors such as body mass, endocrine function, metabolic biochemistry, genetic history, and overall health, it is not possible to predict who will be susceptible to health risks and what the consequences may be. However, it is known that over time substance abuse and chemical dependency have measurable, deleterious effects on various organs of the body and on physiological and intellectual functioning. Users often feel they are performing at their best when, in fact, actual performance is poor. Memory is also harmfully affected. Emotional problems and mood swings also may result. The risks are known to be greater when there are accompanying or pre-existing organic conditions. Severe insult to the fetus of a pregnant woman who ingests or inhales mind-altering drugs is also a threat.

A description of the applicable legal sanctions for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs, alcohol, and cannabis and the health risks associated is available on the MSP website. The Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program, consistent with the MSP Code of Student Conduct, prohibits the following behaviors.

Alcohol abuse and related behavior, including:

  1. possession and/or use or sale of alcohol onsite or at school-sponsored activities;
  2. intoxication made manifest by boisterousness, rowdiness, lewd, obscene, or indecent appearance, conduct or expression;
  3. language which is profane, lewd, or in general unbecoming a graduate student or MSP employee.

Drug abuse and related behavior, including:

  1. possession and/or use or sale of cannabis onsite or at school-sponsored activities;
  2. use or possession of drugs without valid medical prescriptions; or manufacture, sale, or distribution of any controlled substance or mood altering chemical;
  3. altered behavior made manifest through rowdiness, obscene or disorderly conduct, indecent appearance, conduct, expression, or otherwise impaired functioning;
  4. language which is profane, lewd, or in general unbecoming of a graduate student or employee.

Altered behavior that indicates impairment will be addressed immediately and action will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the individual(s) involved, i.e. notification of emergency contact for transportation home.

Violations of this policy will be referred to the Vice President of Academics (student conduct) or the Director of Human Resources (employee conduct) for review, investigation, and adjudication.

Violations of this policy will result in one or more of the following sanctions:

  1. Referral for American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) assessment, by an approved provider, to determine standards for level of intervention. Guidelines for ongoing enrollment or return to an MSP program will be contingent upon compliance with recommended standards of care.
  2. Written reprimand
  3. Probation
  4. Suspension
  5. Dismissal
  6. Filing of a report of violations to city, state, or federal authorities, where appropriate, for prosecution and legal action.

Note:  Per the Higher Education Act, Sec 484, 485, 488 a conviction of any offense for possession/sale of illegal drugs will result in loss of eligibility for any Title IV loan aid.


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