Congratulations to our 2023 PsyD graduates! Dissertations will soon be available on ProQuest for students, faculty, and staff.

Jared Boot-Haury
Understanding How Minority Stress, Gender Identity, and Resilience Predict Psychological Distress Among Asexual Transgender and Gender Non-Confirming Individuals

Andrea Brent
Emotion Factors in Caregivers of Persons with Huntington’s Disease

Sharmane Brown
The Black Woman’s Experience of Being an Active Duty Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Army

Ashley Craft
Examining the Role of Vaccine Status, Social Need, Coronavirus Racial Bias, and Cultural Mistrust in COVID-19 Health Behaviors amongst Black/African Americans

Andreia de Almeida-Schulte
Being Brazilian, Becoming Immigrant: A Qualitative Study on the Emotional Experience of Brazilian Immigrants in Michigan.

Joelle Frangie
How Unmarried Arab American Women Construct their Sexual Self-Concept

Jody Garcia Sanchez
The Experience of Burnout in Early Career Psychologists

Sierra Gillis
The Subjective Well-Being Among Adolescents Who Engage in Social Media

Nada Hashem-Younes
The Experience of Transforming the Adversities of Trauma through Mindful Creativity Within A Social Enterprise Agency Platform

Lauren Herline
Predictors of Treatment Adherence Among Inpatient Adolescents During Acute Psychiatric Hospitalization

Andre Johnson
The Importance of Empathy and Resiliency among African American Men in Long-Term Recovery from Substance Use Disorders

Katherine Kittredge
Does Perceived Deviation from a Birth Plan Correlate with the Development of Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Stacy Nuar
The Divorced, Single Mother’s Experience of Healing and Empowerment After Infidelity

Charles Oliver
The Effects of Strength Training on Psychological Functioning in Adolescence

Christine Sebastian
The Roles of Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance in the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Both Depression and Problematic Alcohol Use in Firefighters

Kaitlin Tuinstra
The Relationship between Family Functioning and Medication Adherence in Treating Pediatric Cancer

Michael Valenti
Existential Relationism: A Novel Theory of Psychotherapy Rising from the Life and Works of Søren Kierkegaard

LaSondra Wayne
A Qualitative Inquiry of the Attitudes, Motivations, Personality, and Identity Factors Influencing Repatriation Among Decendants of Involuntary African diaspora