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Day: September 24, 2020

Fran Brown headshot

President’s Perspective: Get Out the Vote

Dear MSP Community, With just weeks until the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election in November, I am writing to ask you to join me in an institution-wide effort to get-out-the-vote (GOTV). Many will face obstacles to voting this year. The media is reporting on fewer polling stations, longer lines and other

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Photo of Andrew Kaleita

Staff Spotlight: Andrew Kaleita

We are delighted to introduce Andrew Kaleita in a new position at MSP – Writing Specialist. Prior to this new position, Mr. Kaleita co-taught  “Advanced Academic and Professional Writing” at MSP last fall. Below he shares a little bit more about himself. Give us a snapshot of your professional/academic background:

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Student Spotlight

Kalee Headshot

MA with ABA Spotlight

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