Academic Calendar

Calendar Key:

MSP CLOSED: Faculty, Staff, and Students are on break, and the buildings are closed (MSP Clinic hours may vary, please review their website). No supervision during this time. Practicum responsibilities only exist if the student has set up supervision requirements.

NO CLASSES: Academic Classes are not in session. Students do have supervision and practicum responsibilities if applicable. Building hours may vary. Faculty and Staff are working and may have increased expectations.

RECESS: Faculty and Students are on break. No supervision during this time. Practicum responsibilities only exist if the student has set up supervision requirements. Staff are working; however, building hours may vary. 



August 23 1st Semester Tuition Due

September 2 MSP Closed: Labor Day

September 3 Final Day to Drop for a 100% Tuition Refund

September 3 First Semester Begins 

First week of semester includes attending supervision and hours at practicum sites for clinical training students. It may also contain asynchronous work, reading expectations, meetings, trainings, and other homework to prepare for the first in-person class sessions the following week.

September 3 All School Meetings

9:00-12:00 Faculty and Staff Kick-Off

1:00-4:00 Mandatory All PsyD Student In-Person Meeting 

4:00-5:30 Student Engagement Event

5:30-6:30 Mandatory All MA Student In-Person Meeting

September 4 Faculty and Staff Professional Development Day

September 5 New Student Orientation (Mandatory for All New Students)

September 9 In-Person Classes Begin

September 9 Final Day to Drop for a 75% Tuition Refund

September 16 Final Day to Drop for a 50% Tuition Refund

November 18 Final day to withdraw with grades of “W”*

November 25-26 No Classes

November 27-29 MSP Closed: Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day

December 1 Second Semester Tuition Due

December 6 Academic Classes End

December 6 All Work Due from Previous Semester Incompletes

December 13 Practicum Hours and Supervision Ends for the Semester

December 16-January 3 MSP Closed for Winter Break


January 6 Final Day to Drop for a 100% Tuition Refund

January 6 Second Semester Begins   

First week of semester includes attending supervision and hours at practicum sites for clinical training students. It may also contain asynchronous work, reading expectations, meetings, trainings, and other homework to prepare for the first in-person class sessions the following week.

January 6 Faculty and Staff Kick-Off and Mandatory Student Meetings                            January 7 Faculty and Staff Professional Development Day                                    January 8 Department/Committee Meetings

January 12 Final Day to Drop for a 75% Tuition Refund

January 13 In-Person Class Sessions Begin

January 19 Final Day to Drop for 50% Tuition Refund 

January 20 MSP Closed: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 28 No Classes: MA Interview Day

February 17-21 MSP Closed: Mid-Semester Break

March 5 No Classes: PsyD Interview Day

March 13 No Classes: PsyD Interview Day

March 21 No Classes: Professional Development Day (Faculty and Staff)

March 30 Final day to withdraw with grades of “W”*

April 11 Third Semester Tuition Due

April 18 Academic Classes, Supervision, and Practicum Hours End for Semester

April 18 All Work Due from Previous Semester Incompletes

April 21-25 Semester Recess


April 28 Final Day to Drop for a 100% Tuition Refund

April 28 Third Semester Begins

First week of semester includes attending supervision and hours at practicum sites for clinical training students. It may also contain asynchronous work, reading expectations, meetings, trainings, and other homework to prepare for the first in-person class sessions the following week.

April 28 Faculty and Staff Kick-Off and Mandatory Student Meetings                            April 29 Faculty and Staff Professional Development Day                                    

May 1 In-Person Class Sessions Begin

May 4 Final Day to Drop for a 75% Tuition Refund

May 11 Final Day to Drop for a 50% Tuition Refund

May 26 MSP Closed: Memorial Day   

June 19 MSP Closed: Juneteenth observed

July 4 MSP Closed: Independence Day

July 10 Final day to withdraw with grades of “W”*

July 28 Academic Classes, Supervision, and Practicum Hours End

July 28 All Work Due from Previous Semester Incompletes

July 29 Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal

July 30-31 Faculty and Staff Work Days

August 1 Graduation Ceremony

August 4-8 MSP Closed

August 11-29 Summer Recess

August 15 MSP Closed

August 22 MSP Closed

August 29 MSP Closed

*Courses that are 10 weeks in length may have an earlier withdrawal date. Please refer to the course syllabus for withdrawal dates specific to though courses. 

Please Note: MSP operates on a semester credit hour model. The standard semester length is 12 weeks; when there are less than 12 weeks, the length of course meeting time is adjusted to meet the semester credit hour standards of 15 hours of instruction per credit hour awarded. This calendar is subject to change. 

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