Satisfactory Academic Progress

Requirements for Maintaining Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (FA SAP)

FA SAP is reviewed at the end of each semester after grades are submitted. Students with a negative FA SAP status are sent a status notification letter by USPS mail. All enrollment is included in FA SAP calculations, whether or not a student received aid in a given semester. To remain eligible for Financial Aid, a student must:

  1. Maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) – Qualitative Measure. All letter grades/marks are considered in evaluating SAP, including repeated courses.
  2. Complete at least 67% of attempted credits – Quantitative Measure. Students are evaluated quantitatively by the pace at which they progress toward degree or certificate completion.  A student must maintain an aggregate completion rate of coursework attempted, and must pass – a minimum of 67% of credit hours. For example, a student who attempted 32 credits and passed 24 has a successful completion rate of 75%.  Courses in which a student withdraws and receives a mark of W are included in credits attempted, but not successfully completed.
  3. Complete the degree/certificate program within the maximum timeframe – 150% Rule. Financial Aid eligibility extends for a maximum of 150% of required credits for a degree or certificate.  For example, 150% of the 48 credit hours required for the Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology equates to a maximum of 72 credits attempted; The 141 credit Doctor of Clinical Psychology is eligible through 211 credits attempted.  All enrollment is included in the maximum timeframe to complete calculation, whether or not a student received aid for a given semester.  Courses in which a student withdraws and receives a mark of W are included in credits attempted when calculating the 150% rule.

Financial Aid is automatically suspended if it is determined, using FA SAP measures, that a student cannot mathematically finish the degree and comply with the standards of SAP maximum timeframe to complete.

Transfer students:

The number of transfer credits accepted to a student’s program will be counted as credits attempted in both the quantitative measure (percentage completion rate) and the 150% rule.

Course Repetition and Evaluation of grades:

When a student fails a course, they may repeat that course once, according to the school’s academic policy, with Financial Aid. The original grade, the grade earned on repeating the course, and all credit hours are included in the three elements of SAP calculations listed above.   Students are not allowed to retake a course for the sole purpose of improving a passing grade.

A mark of I (Incomplete) is awarded by faculty only due to extenuating circumstances and is considered still active until the final grade is posted. An Incomplete must be completed by the end of the following semester.  A grade of I lapses to an F if the coursework is not completed in the following semester. FA SAP status is determined in the next regular cycle of SAP (when grades are submitted at the end of a semester).  The MSP Registrar notifies the Financial Aid Office of any grade changes, and FA SAP is run on demand in these instances.  If the FA SAP status changes for the student as a result of the grade change, students are notified by the Office of Financial Aid.

Audited courses do not affect GPA and are not counted in credits attempted or completed.  Audited courses are not eligible for financial aid and they will not be included in enrollment for consideration of aid.

FA SAP Status Definitions

Good Standing

Students who meet all of the standards of SAP are determined to be in Good Standing.

Financial Aid Warning

A Financial Aid Warning alerts the student of his or her failure to meet the qualitative and/or quantitative standards of SAP. A Financial Aid Warning does not require an appeal by the student. However, if the student does not meet SAP requirements at the conclusion of the next semester of enrollment, they become ineligible for financial aid (Suspension).

Financial Aid Probation

Students with an approved appeal are placed on Financial Aid Probation. Students must meet all SAP conditions as determined by the FA SAP Appeal Committee, which may include a review of the Educational Development Plan if applicable.

Suspension of Eligibility for Financial Aid

Students who have not met one or more of the standards of SAP while on Warning or Probation are placed on Suspension and become ineligible for financial aid. The student may appeal this status.


Students whose eligibility for financial aid has been suspended may appeal. Submitting an appeal does not guarantee approval. Circumstances for which a student may appeal include the death of a relative, injury, illness or other extenuating circumstances. To appeal, see the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form.

Return to Good Standing/Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility

Students may self-pay until such time as SAP requirements are met. Students are automatically returned to Good Standing for the next semester of enrollment after they meet all SAP measures; that is, a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a successful credit hour completion rate of 67% or more.


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