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PsyD Spotlight

Headshot of Charles ShameyCharlie Shamey

Hometown: Dearborn, MI

Program: PsyD

Book I would recommend: Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter Levine

Favorite Quote:

“I recognize the walls inside

I recognize them all

I’ve paced between them Chasing demons down

Until they fall

In fitful sleep

Enough to keep their strength

Enough to crawl Into my head

With tangled threads

They riddle me to solve

Again and again and again”

– Natalie Merchant

What would people be surprised to know about you? 

People would be surprised to know that my siblings and I created a language only we can understand.

Name a cause you are passionate about.

A cause that I am passionate about is getting the truth of healing out in the world. It’s different for everyone.

Why did you choose MSP?

Michigan School of Psychology is renowned across America for its humanistic perspective in honoring the whole person. I could not imagine being anywhere else.

What do you want to do with your degree?

After completing my academic studies, I plan to start my private practice and teach. I plan to work with a broad demographic using trauma-informed methods of therapy.

How did you first get interested in the mental health profession?

When it comes to the mental health profession, my love for it began early in life. It’s hard to assess precisely when, but it probably started when I noticed how my anxieties prevented me from growing.

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