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MA with ABA Spotlight

Sydney Hicks headshotSydney Hicks

Hometown: Clarkston, MI

Program: MA with ABA

Book I would recommend: The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal

Favorite Quote: “Change is the only constant in life.” – Heraclitus

What would people be surprised to know about you? 

Something that is surprising to know about me is that I enjoy cooking food and making meals from scratch.

Name a cause you are passionate about.

I’m very passionate about mental health and ensuring that those who need assistance have access to it no matter the age get it. The awareness around mental health is beautiful to see and breaking down stigma is just as important. I hope to be an advocate and supporter to all who may need mental health support.

Why did you choose MSP?

I choose to attend MSP because it’s a school that’s based in the humanistic approach which I like. Also, the school is focused in giving you the necessary experience and knowledge needed that is truly applicable to real world situations. There’s no extra classes or unnecessary tasks needed to complete your degree.

What do you want to do with your degree?

I plan to become a practicing therapist and practicing BCBA. Once I find an age group I like to work with I will focus more in that area.

How did you first get interested in the mental health profession?

I’ve been interested ever since high school and took almost every class that was offered. Learning about the human brain and body has always been fascinating and pushed me forward in learning about people and myself.

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