Women’s History 2023: Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories and Choosing How You Will Tell Yours

Lizbeth Meredith will be joining us via zoom on March 6th from 12:45 – 1:40 PM for a presentation on Women’s History Month. The presentation will cover:

  • A quick glimpse into the Why of Women’s History, how it began and why it’s important.
  • Challenges women faced before that we now take for granted, and how they’ve shaped our beliefs and rights.
  • Obstacles young people face today that have set us back (thinking social media, the return of absurd expectations of thinness and expensive beauty treatments, the competition TV and social media creates that pit us against one another) that women in the past did not, and how to navigate them to keep moving forward and thriving.
Lizbeth Meredith is an award-winning author whose indie memoir is now a Lifetime Television movie. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in psychology.
She worked for 30 years serving victims and offenders in the justice system, first as a domestic abuse advocate, then as a child abuse investigator, and finally, more than two decades as a probation supervisor in Alaska.  Today, Lizbeth is based in Chattanooga and is the host of Persistence U Podcast. She has a small but mighty coaching practice helping those grounded in grit turn their challenges into superpowers and is a speaker at colleges and nonprofits. Connect with her at lameredith.com.

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