MA/ABA Program Curriculum

The MA curriculum encompasses coursework, and clinical training. MA students enroll as a cohort. Courses are scheduled sequentially, and the following is a list of program courses by number reflecting the 54 credits required to achieve the degree.

Click on a title below to read the course description.

This course explores philosophical and theoretical foundations of humanistic and clinical psychology. In examining humanistic psychology as a “third force,” historical perspectives are considered in relation to behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Basic theories and concepts that are examined include the holistic and unique nature of the person, the significance of emotions, self-actualization, creativity, personal growth, and the individual as an experiencing being. Core theories, concepts and relevant readings are integrated with personal experiences.

The course will use a biopsychosocial framework to understand how a person develops across the lifespan. This course will examine the seminal theories of human development and their current status today. Specifically, we will cover biological, cognitive, social, relational, linguistic, and cultural theories of human development.

Prerequisite: B- or Better in PSYC 522

This course will examine basic concepts and applications of evidence-based interventions, including cognitive, behavioral and other therapies. Students will be introduced to theory, research, basic techniques, and evidence-based applications of various models, with an emphasis on Cognitive-Behavior therapy. The course will cover theoretical conceptualization and the basic application of therapeutic interventions and techniques. Topics such as progressive muscle relaxation, in-vivo and imaginal exposure, behavior monitoring, behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, schema therapy, behavioral experiments, and other cognitive-behavior therapy techniques will be discussed. Additional evidence-based interventions will be introduced, including Positive psychology, Mindfulness, and Emotion-focused therapy techniques. Emphases will be on interventions for depression, anxiety, and other common psychological disorders. Special consideration will be given to ethnic, cultural, and individual differences.

This course is designed to give a broad overview of the constructs of crisis intervention and trauma psychology; as well as the basic skills necessary to intervene with those who have experienced crisis or trauma. We will explore trauma psychology and crisis intervention from a historical, cultural, social and political lens and learn about the psychological, biological and socio/cultural aspects of traumatic stress, including acute, insidious, and complex trauma.  The course focuses on single and multiple incident trauma, as well as poly-victimization, and developmental trauma.  We will learn approaches to the assessment of trauma, as well as current literature and research on evidence-based therapeutic interventions concerning post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociation and developmental trauma as well as co-morbidities. The course examines the role of vulnerabilities and resilience in the recovery from traumatic experience, trauma exposure response for the therapist and trauma stewardship on the individual, organization and societal level, as well as the experience of posttraumatic growth.

This course will explore mental health and illness within historical, social, and cultural contexts, through a review of predominating paradigms such as (but not limited to) the DSM 5. Major disorders and their etiology, symptoms, and preferred treatment strategies will be examined. Multicultural and historical influences on the definition of psychopathology and theories of personality change will also be reviewed.

Prerequisite or Corequisite: PSYC 522

This course emphasizes the application of psychological assessment to specific clinical settings. Students will obtain proficiency in the administration and scoring of instruments such as the WAIS-IV, MMPI-3, and other tests, completing competency evaluations in a clinical assessment lab. Emphasis will be placed on the administration and scoring of these evaluations, along with beginning introductions to understanding interpretation, integration of test findings, treatment planning, and viewing the results in the context of the DSM-V. This course primarily focuses on assessment with adults, whereas child and adolescent assessment will be covered in the second assessment course.

Prerequisite: B- or Better in PSYC 523

This course emphasizes the application of psychological assessment to specific clinical settings, as an extension of the Assessment I course. Students will obtain proficiency in the administration and scoring of instruments such as the WISC-V, WIAT-IV, and other tests, completing competency evaluations in a clinical assessment lab. Emphasis will be placed on the administration and scoring of these evaluations, along with beginning introductions to understanding interpretation, integration of test findings, treatment planning, and viewing the results in the context of the DSM-V.

Prerequisite:  B- or Better in PSYC 553          

This course focuses on measurement, data display, interpretation, and experimental design (primarily single-case studies), and formation and testing of research hypotheses. Students are expected to read professional literature, participate in discussions, conduct literature research, and begin to develop and implement behavioral intervention techniques.

This course focuses on concepts and principles that serve as foundational elements of applied behavior analysis (ABA). It also includes philosophical underpinnings and historical perspectives of ABA and the methodology of the science of behavior management. Fundamental behavior analytic terms and vocabulary are presented. Students are expected to read professional literature, participate in discussions, conduct literature research, and begin to learn the application of behavior analysis.

Prerequisite: B- or Better in 553

This course focuses on assessment techniques used for the purpose of behavioral intervention planning. Topics include evaluating existing data and records, determining the need for behavior-analytic services, and identifying and prioritizing intervention goals. Various assessment methods will be reviewed including skill acquisition/deficit measures, preference assessments, and measurements of behavior problems.  Students will learn the common functions of problem behavior and understand how to conduct both a descriptive assessment and functional analysis of problem behavior and interpret resulting data. Students are expected to read professional literature, participate in discussions, conduct literature research, and begin to implement behavioral assessment techniques.

Prerequisites: B- or Better in PSYC 553 & PSYC 554

This course focuses on intervention techniques used in applied behavior analysis (ABA). It covers the fundamental elements of behavior change and addresses specific intervention procedures. Students learn to use behavioral assessment data to select, develop and implement efficacious treatment plans that utilize principles of ABA. Students are expected to read professional literature, participate in discussions, conduct literature research, and begin to develop and implement behavioral intervention techniques.

This course focuses on ethical and professional conduct for behavior analysts and psychologists as delineated in (1) the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts and (2) the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. The primary objective of this course is to prepare students to be ethical providers of psychological and behavior analytic services.

Prerequisite: B-or Better in PSYC 553

This course focuses on advanced concepts and practices of applied behavior analysis (ABA) including complex theoretical principles and skills essential for personnel supervision and management in the field of behavior analysis. Students are expected to read professional literature, participate in discussions, conduct literature research, and begin to learn the application of behavior analysis.

This course focuses on the underlying theoretical and philosophical foundations of behavior analysis (i.e., behaviorism). Students are expected to read professional literature, participate in discussions, and prepare to implement skills in professional practice.

Co-requisite: 576-578 Practicum Skills Lab I, II, III (or Program Director Approval)

Enrollment in this supervision group supports students’ clinical skills development while they are training at a practicum site. Students receive supervision from fully licensed psychologists in a manner consistent with Michigan licensure laws. Supervisors will provide feedback to foster growth in clinical competency and professionalism. Students will demonstrate understanding of the therapy process through discussion, written work, case presentations, and self-reflective exercises. Performance will be monitored and credit will be assigned by their faculty supervisor in consultation with their site supervisor.

This year-long course combines didactic teaching, experiential exercises and group practice to prepare students for a successful practicum experience through a review of critical psychotherapy techniques, such as diagnostic interviewing, creation and maintenance of the therapeutic relationship and framework, recording keeping, treatment planning, and termination of the professional relationship.  Students will learn to identify and address client resistance and transference, and therapist countertransference as well as effective communication techniques. They will develop an understanding of and skills to respond to multicultural complexity. Case studies, role plays, and in-class exercises will illustrate the principles of therapeutic process and change.

Students will demonstrate their growing knowledge and development of professional identity and behavior through the completion of course assignments, interactions/exchanges with faculty, peers, and staff, and during class presentations and experiential activities.  Students will also demonstrate their ability to document clinical work through the completion of a series of assignments specific to organizing and writing a Biopsychosocial intake, progress notes, a treatment plan including long and short-term treatment goals and diagnostic considerations/justifications, and a termination summary. Case Conceptualization skills will be introduced. Student feedback will focus on input from professors regarding interpersonal impacts relevant to clinical contexts, including exchanges with other students, staff, and faculty, through demonstrations and exercises that exhibit the student’s progress with establishing and maintaining therapeutic rapport, accurately evaluating clients’ presenting problems, identifying effective treatment methods, developing a treatment plan, and monitoring client progress.  Professionalism will be monitored and evaluated throughout the term.  Students are expected to integrate information from other courses with information from the Practicum Skills Lab course to enhance their performance at the practicum site

Course offerings and sequence are subject to change. Updated 9/18/2024


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