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Faculty Spotlight: Andrew Franks, PhD

We are delighted to feature Dr. Andrew Franks in our latest Faculty Spotlight. Dr. Franks is an core faculty member teaching in the PsyD program.

Headshot of Dr. Franks

Where did you grow up?

Saginaw, MI

What or who influenced you to study psychology?

I originally began studying psychology as a means to improve my ability to write realistic characters in my screenplays (note: the only scripts I ever wrote that were actually produced were for local commercials). 

What appealed to you most about teaching here at MSP?

I am most excited about the opportunity to chair and advise dissertations and facilitate students’ growth to full-fledged academic colleagues.

What are your research and/or clinical interests? 

My research applies social psychological theory to politics & public policy, criminal justice, public health, and economics. Much of my research focuses on social justice related outcomes.

What is your favorite non-academic book and why?

Nineteen Eighty-Four, though I think I liked it better back when it was still fiction.

What advice would you like to share with incoming or current students?

Embrace the opportunity to develop strong research and data analysis skills. Even if you do not continue to engage in research activities after graduation, these skills will improve your ability to engage in evidence-based practice. In addition, resolve to be aware of the social determinants of mental health outcomes and to be an advocate for broadly improving the social conditions that affect individuals, communities, and society.