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Experience at the MSP Career Fair

Dennis Brown (PsyD 1, MA with ABA ’23) shares his experience attending the 2023 MSP Career Fair. The 2024 MSP Career Fair is taking place on June 7th and registration is currently open

Photo of Dennis Brown, MA and ABA studentTell us a little bit about you experience at the Career Fair last year

My experience was great. I learned about so many different clinics in the area. The process was very interpersonal. I got the opportunity to share my skills, experience, inspirations, and plans for the future. Most, if not all, parties were open to hearing everything I had to offer. A couple of interested groups would try to remember me for future interviews, which is a very good sign.

What did you do to prepare for the Career Fair?

Preparing for the fair, I made sure to dress appropriately along with having many printed-out copies of my CV. Having these on hand is important so they can differentiate you from the others. You want to stand out as much as possible.

What benefits do you think there are to attending the Career Fair even if you are not planning to go into the workforce immediately?

The biggest benefit of attending these career fairs is to decrease anxiety about the next steps. The career fair makes it less daunting and more achievable.

Do you have any advice for those attending this year’s career fair?

My advice for students going to the career fair is to be yourself. Remember that you are in this profession for a reason, and think about that while establishing the next chapter in your journey.