To raise awareness of Middle Eastern and North African populations’ issues related to psychology. We aim to promote more representation in the field of psychology, engage in advocacy efforts, and provide a sense of community and support to Middle Eastern and North African individuals at MSP.
General members and the leadership team members must be current students in good academic standing. General meetings of the organization will be open to all active and associate members, faculty, staff, and non-member students. Members are required to attend one meeting or event per semester.
President – Siba Alzohaili (PsyD 3)
Co-Vice Presidents – Manda Harp (PsyD 3) & Ray Kaidbay (PsyD 3)
Secretary – Marwa Attia (PsyD 1)
Treasurer – Ebrahim Safah (PsyD 2)
Social Media Coordinator – Leila Bazzi (PsyD 3)
Faculty Advisor – Dr. Danielle Balaghi
Staff Advisor – Reem Fakherddine, MA
Upcoming events are listed below.
Current Month
March, 2025