Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology

Beyond the required post-grad clinical hours, the State of Michigan also requires graduates to sit for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) national exam as part of the licensure process for Master’s Limited License and Fully Licensed Psychologists.

The EPPP required passing score for Michigan Master’s Limited License graduates is 350 and for Doctoral level Fully Licensed Psychologists (LP) is 500 (see new rule on page 12 passed in June 2023).

MSP encourages and supports graduates through the process of achieving their highest level of licensure, depending on degree. Toward this goal, MSP is committed to offering and expanding helpful resources.

EPPP Resources

Navigating the EPPP procedures can be confusing. The following links are provided to alumni to assist in this process:

The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB)

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

Reimbursement for EPPP Fees by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will reimburse qualified individuals for fees paid to take the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP), effective August 1, 2011. For more information go to the Department of Veterans Affairs or call 1-888-442-4551 (1-800-829-4833 for the hearing impaired).

AATBS Student and Alumni Discount

MSP has partnered with AATBS, the leading provider of exam prep and continuing education for behavioral and mental health students and professionals, to offer students and alumni discounted access to their products and services.  This benefit is being provided to you based on our relationship with AATBS and is available to you exclusively because you are a student or graduate from the Michigan School of Psychology. 

To see available products and access your discount, please visit EPPP Exam Prep (aatbs.com) and use promo code PARMSOP during the checkout process.

Peer-led EPPP Preparation Workshop

MSP offers an 8-week EPPP Preparation Workshop to provide an introduction and overview of the EPPP. This workshop is intended for current students or alums who are ready to begin the studying process and would like to know what is in store.

We cover:

  • What you need to know about the test itself
  • What content areas you will be studying
  • Strategy and memorization ideas & tools
  • Question answering strategy and practice

There is no shortcut to careful and thorough preparation for the EPPP. This workshop is peer-led and intended to be a supplement to comprehensive study programs.

The workshop consists of 8 approximately 1 hour sessions for 8 consecutive weeks. This year the workshop will take place from April 29 – June 24 please RSVP here for more information.

Updated 3/11/2024


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