Logo for the Michigan School Psychological Clinic

Healthy people,
healthy relationships, 
healthy communities.

Student Training Clinic

Supervised clinical training is an integral part of graduate education. The goal of clinical training is to facilitate student acquisition of the theoretical knowledge, clinical competencies, and self-awareness that is needed to become an effective and caring practitioner. Clinical training complements classroom education, provides the opportunity for students to work with competent clinicians in diverse settings, and facilitates student acquisition of core competencies and a professional identity.

As a student training clinic, all services at the MSP clinic are provided by students pursuing an advanced degree in clinical psychology and/or a certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis. Student clinicians practice under the direct supervision of fully licensed psychologists and BCBAs. This gives students the opportunity to collect clinical training hours necessary for graduation and licensure while ensuring the clinic can continue to provide affordable care while maintaining a short waitlist

Stock photo of a female therapist and female child sitting together on a couch. Therapist is holding a clipboard and is smiling at child who is smiling back.

Due to the nature of clinical training, student clinicians practice at the MSP clinic for one academic year (August to July). This is to ensure that students have the opportunity to gain exposure to a variety of clinical training settings and supervisors. At the completion of the academic year, a new cohort of student clinicians will take over the caseload at the clinic. The supervising clinicians will work with outgoing and incoming students to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of care. You can meet the current student clinicians here

The staff of the MSP Clinic is committed to developing quality clinical training experiences for graduate students and providing excellent care for persons receiving psychological services from students.

Questions? Contact us at:
[email protected]

© 2023 Michigan School of Psychology. All Rights Reserved.

26811 Orchard Lake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48334-4512