Message from the President


Message from the Presidentclinical psychology school Diane Blau

It is intriguing for me to consider the difference between calendar time and learning time. The former is linear, sequential and predictable. There is certainty in knowing that night follows day, June follows May, and 2014 will lead to 2015. Sometimes we experience clock time moving at different rhythms yet we know it does not stand still. We move in it and with it as it consistently regulates our lives.

While here, you spent a great deal of calendar time in inquiry and study. Sometimes it seemed to move like lightening and during other periods, as if it was slow as a snail.

Learning time is not linear or predictable. Learning has endless potential. It is multi-dimensional and ever in process; it has infinite volume. It forms a web, ever expanding in a boundless array of connections and possibilities. Unpredictable, and mysterious at times, how and what you learn is a lifelong adventure.

As alumni, you embrace lifelong learning as a significant attribute in professional maturity. The richness of your learning is reflected in your impressive accomplishments. As such, you serve as important role models for our students.

Thank you for what you bring to MSP.

Have a wonderful summer.

Diane Blau


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